Derp Videos


    Apparently looking like a Duck Dynasty stunt double turns you into the Merlin of slaying pussy... and today his expertise is all open-source. Practice what you see here and I promise, those hookers will never LOL again.

    Date: 09/21/16 Views: 257,998 Category: Derp

  • Good Samaritan

    < 3 this girl. But to win her over I'd have to pull out all the stops: Netflix the Naruto filmography, brush up on Reddit lingo and comes to terms with being called silly shit like 'newbie', and 'stalker'. The things I do for love.

    Date: 10/21/15 Views: 186,778 Category: Derp

  • Porn is in Her Future

    Another one of those videos where brain cells are left short-circuited after being presented an elementary grade math question. All sorts of lolz, but still a long way to go before catching up to Beavis & Butthead.

    Date: 09/02/15 Views: 185,486 Category: Derp