LMAO Videos

  • The Girl in the Green Dress

    Self-entitled college mid-carder finds her braless flapjacks on a website and has a shitfit. By the 2nd threat of litigation I had already forgotten what flavor of IHOP syrup I'd cover those punching bags with.

    Date: 01/05/15 Views: 307,372 Category: LMAO

  • Basically the Worst Girlfriend Ever

    Sticking your dick into crazy girls without any consequences is about as probable as an Ebola outbreak in Beverly Hills... but I do admire her bravery. What do you think? Hit it, or hit it with a golf club?

    Date: 10/19/14 Views: 228,953 Category: LMAO

  • The Dangers Of Glory Holes

    Bro sticks his cock where it aint wanted and gets a serious tug job. If that doesn't result in half an inch of penile growth, I don't know what will.

    Date: 06/21/10 Views: 311,102 Category: LMAO

  • Bubbles!

    She can blow bubbles with her twat. Yep. Just another one of the many perks of having been slam-fucked by 1500 different men.

    Date: 12/25/09 Views: 111,953 Category: LMAO