Oscar Delamos - loving husband, father of 20, and official badboy of Best Western's security/janitorial department. Dude straight swaps free rooms in exchange for crackwhore pussy.
Maybe you've already seen this? Seems to have spread across the web faster than genital warts at an ICP concert. It's really not that special IMHO. Better in-flight fuckery HERE and HERE. /shameless plug.
The unwritten rules of a nude beach: a.) see with your eyes, not your hands b.) travel in packs, you'll feel like less of a douchebag and c.) always bury your jizz. Common courtesy bro.
I've seen this turd in a few vids now. Same shit every time. He poses as a potential customer.. but in reality.. he's just buying some time to beat off and talk dirty with a member of the opposite sex. Ballin on a budget.