He's got a unique look. Could almost pass for a greeter at an Aspergers-only Hollister. But the compliments end there, cause this being online only sunk his stock faster than Brexit. I can smell the suicide note from here.
The face of a virgin paired with a twat that's seen the blunt end of a piranha. Sorry lady, but if you expect me to believe this fantasy, you're gonna have to pick yourself up a sewing kit and get to work. Immediately.
Some will click this and see a beautiful human being. Others will bathe their routers in bleach and set a hard drive on fire. But me? All I see is the only movie star that can give herself 3 thumbs up. Call me Mr. Positive.
I can't even attempt to describe this proctologist's wet dream. Her dimensions are more hypnotizing than Mark Wahlberg's cock in Boogie Nights. Actually no... that's another dimension of bewilderment, but u get the idea.
1 part mystery, 13 parts WTF. Confusion starts with the Thor-like climax at 2:44. Said goober then begins to flop around like an adderall-deficient retard. WHY? Only his gyno and Shaquille O'Neal's wife have that answer.
5+ mins of homemade roleplay victim sex. So faptastic I canceled my dinner date @ Burger King just so I could re-watch it all day. TIP: I cancel 100% grade-F horse meat burgers for nobody. THAT'S how good this vid is.
Have you met a man that could make a Bukkake video totally solo? You're going to today. If ever a time was needed to bring in a camera that shoots 1000 frames per second, it was for a guy that nuts like I urinate.
Say hello to your new obsession. Not only does she incorporate all parts of the male genitalia into her blowjobs, "not-scared-of-sudden-seminal-gagging" is on her resume too. How could I NOT link to this video?
Presenting "derpywerpy" from reddit's "gone wild". She has a killer body and a unique look that has kept her a favorite for a decent length of time now. The only draw back I can think of is it would look a dude is sucking your dick but w/e I'm still down.
Some of these clips suck. Others will generate increased blood flow to your nether regions. Dispense mom's Cherry-Almond Jergens moisturizer accordingly.
and by 'gangbang' I mean one sexually inept man losing his virginity while Carlos Mencia's 72 cousins spectate. The only thing missing is a Mariachi band and one token black guy repeatedly screaming "worldstar".
Is this really Paris Hilton? No, what you really should be asking is: if Amy Winehouse was to spread open her pussy lips, would it be visually liken to pulling apart the bread of a grilled cheese sandwich?
Pleather choker, glow in the dark nail polish, and an occasional bitch slap weaker than the walls of Richard Simmons's rectum. I haven't seen this level of intensity since Leprechaun 4: In Space.
How this girl was sexually aroused enough to secrete a glob of Cool Whip is beyond me. The sack of shit fucking her is as big as a Fiat. Fortunately he knows how to dress. Motherfucking camouflage brah.
No, not talking about poo. I'm referring to her clam and how it clings on to his juicy penis. Only thing with a tighter grip is Cuba Gooding Jr. after crossing paths with a nickle. It's beautiful.
Deepthroat gone awry, she upchucks all over floor.. soiling one, possibly even two motel 6 pillow sheets. The man responsible issues a few words of comfort - "you puking whore, you puked". True love.