Big Dick Porn Videos

  • My First Monster

    Consider the waistline of this overgrown toddler the rights of passage for any girl born below the equator. If you haven't been viciously attacked by Jordi's pork shoulder, then u can never label yourself as making it. sry, I don't make the rules.

    Date: 11/09/19 Views: 391,318 Category: Big Dicks

  • Annihilated in 4 Seconds

    What weighs 47lbs and gets demolished by African Americans on a weekly basis? If you answered Popeye's Family Feast meal, you're only getting partial credit.

    Date: 09/25/19 Views: 558,924 Category: Big Dicks

  • That Shouldn't Fit

    Seems straight-forward to me: Her vageen has the width of printer paper & he's hung like the Houston Rocket's starting lineup. Uncertainty should be expected.

    Date: 01/03/19 Views: 295,516 Category: Big Dicks

  • 10-Inch Death Wish

    How/Why semi-concious females go on the hunt for ding dongs that can literally rearrange their organs is beyond my knowledge. Clearly Arya Fae's parents didn't raise no bitch. Now... call Shaquille o'Neal and lets finish this snuff film right.

    Date: 12/11/18 Views: 387,668 Category: Big Dicks

  • Total Nonstop Orgasms

    Got the Tom Yum spring rolls fucked outta her HAHA

    Date: 12/05/18 Views: 337,804 Category: Big Dicks

  • G-Spot Assassin

    B L A C K E D B L A C K E D B L A C K E D B L A C K E D B L A C K E D
    B L A C K E D B L A C K E D B L A C K E D B L A C K E D B L A C K E D

    Date: 08/08/18 Views: 271,526 Category: Big Dicks

  • Horse Cock 101

    [tip: look in the second row for link] Kinda counterproductive to be hung like a zoo animal, yet never able to find a girl that can handle 50% of your moose leg. Perhaps it's that time to trade Tinder for

    Date: 04/16/18 Views: 315,376 Category: Big Dicks

  • The Perks of Having a 9 Incher

    This went from 'sexual assault' to 'community service' in record time.

    Date: 11/29/17 Views: 439,280 Category: Big Dicks

  • Hulk, SMASHED

    dam son

    Date: 11/17/17 Views: 470,013 Category: Big Dicks

  • You Can't Break Her

    How many times have I said "mother of fuckin' AC Fucking Slater, this dude's custard cannon weighs more than her entire body" ? Sixty four. How many times did I actually mean it in the literal sense? Zero. UNTIL NOW.

    Date: 08/15/17 Views: 339,708 Category: Big Dicks

  • Legit 13-Incher

    This is ridiculous. Not lol-ridiculous like a chunk of society identifying as non-binary lesbian attack helicopters. She has zero reaction to being gutted like a sturgeon, and I keep waiting for David Attenborough's explanation.

    Date: 05/20/17 Views: 248,201 Category: Big Dicks

  • Bigger Than She Thought

    Who? Alina West. The only pornstar I remember by name. Why? Cute, low-maintenance, & if you uppercut her cervix just right, she develops a speech impediment like Stan's twat of a sister on South Park. #FAPGASM.

    Date: 03/26/17 Views: 334,868 Category: Big Dicks


    A democratic acquaintance at Chipotle has long told me African American men and white cops simply don't get along. After seeing Tyrone Kobe Jermaine Javarie get bullied into BBW twat, I understand why.

    Date: 10/27/16 Views: 520,282 Category: Big Dicks

  • I'm sorry my 14 inch penis hurt you

    I've never seen this chick cave before, no matter how big the cock. It's as if her vaginal canal is made of Teflon, with more square footage than James Van Deer Beek's forehead. But after seeing this, I'm not so sure.

    Date: 08/13/16 Views: 350,825 Category: Big Dicks

  • Can't Even Get Past the Head

    Who the fuck did evolution have in mind when it gifted this vagrant the dimensions of a pool cue? I don't know, but it probably needs more than 3-pack of Colt 45 and beagle ears for tits to take him on @ full power.

    Date: 05/29/16 Views: 439,520 Category: Big Dicks

  • She Dont Like 15 Inch Penises II

    Every good movie deserves a sequel, and many moons ago we discovered a girl that has less tolerance for raw beef products than a level 5 vegan. Probably all an act, but the hole-to-hole acrobatics is worth the followup.

    Date: 11/25/15 Views: 289,843 Category: Big Dicks

  • His Father Was Part Horse

    Pegleg McGreggor is packing enough meat to start a slaughterhouse. Naturally his first course of action is to find the nearest Asian female and attempt snicker bar seppuku. Me thinks he was responsible for this as well.

    Date: 07/12/15 Views: 315,730 Category: Big Dicks

  • Destruction by BBC

    3:00AM cuckolding session goes from good idea to I think I need a gynecologist as Darius Williams the 3rd repeatedly bulldozes Becky's reproductive system. Award-winning cries of fear @ 1:30, 7:16 and 16:55.

    Date: 10/24/14 Views: 319,657 Category: Big Dicks

  • Valentina's Ass REKT by Black Cock

    Rocco and his token black friend totally put this girl through the ringer, by the end she looks like she endured a cock tsunami. There's nothing like enjoying a nice day by the lake, just hanging out with friends getting some sun and some sucky-fucky.

    Date: 09/15/14 Views: 252,910 Category: Big Dicks

  • How Is This Even Possible?


    Date: 12/14/12 Views: 425,020 Category: Big Dicks