1) That Resident Evil show on Netflix 2) Electric Vehicles 3) Whatever fucking noise is coming out of this autistic gremlin's mouth. It may not be in order, but these are undoubtedly the top three erection deflating moments of 2022.
Dude looks like he got kicked out of his Fortnite clan for slamming too many GFuels on voice chat, and she was out of his league about 10 Xanex's ago. This conclusion was going to happen no matter how hard FarTGuy72 tried to stop it.
I can forgive the potato-grade video quality. I understand the lack of names to prevent Instagram stalking. But cutting off the girls @3:39 before they ran to use honey dijon as lubricant? ZERO/5 stars you simple-minded, incredulous fuck bag.
Dude's hung like a boomerang and she's 1 Netflix marathon away from a mid-life crisis. In other words: This is the greatest love story our generation has ever seen.
Honestly, I just appreciate content creators going the extra length to try and make their videos believable. One visible skidmark after chowing down on the lunchtime Ellios would have solidified this as completely authentic for me.
Kinda refreshing to know it's real when the tits move like a bowl of Jell-o that's been left in the sun for too long. I may or may not be talking from experience.
History lesson: If u were slappin meat in the 2010 era, your hog was constantly subjected to these "pioneers" passing off middle-aged women as college girls fucking everything with a pulse. To those select few: I apologize for the PTSD.
Kinda impressive to be honest. The average man would willingly inhale the frappuccinos out of her entitled shitbasket just to say they were in the same room as her. You can go ahead and consider your penis retired my good man.
I can't imagine what else the BFF in question has been forced to spectate in the past. But I'm betting it involves the neighbor's cat and all 12 flavors of Rice-a-Roni.
When the ass is this level of quality, ur little "iz just a prank br0" turns into "2nd degree felony assault" pretty damn fast. Thats your lesson for the day, TikTok'rs.
It's one thing to assume the position in public. It's another to do it during company hours just to keep your addiction going. Now, somebody invite her to a Texas Ranger's bullpen, ASAP. She could be doing a lot of good for the world.
Nearly 21-years-old and still doesn't know how to lock a door. But what she lacks in basic logic, she makes up for in grade-AA prime meat - full rack. And for just $100 in donations per day, you can mod her chatroom around the clock. #2021
HER: Looks like she trades sex for tiktok views
HIM: Looks like he knows how to hotwire a forklift
Some love stories are just designed for happy endings.
He's got a 6.5 inch ham hammer and she has the reactions of Betty White after spending an afternoon at the gynecologist. Some people out there might say this got cut off before the best part. I say mom did all of us a mother fucking favor.
Women nowadays are scared to coast through a Dunkin Donuts drivethru without glazing their faces in 20 minute Youtube makeup tutorials. And then there's these girls... who run out of fucks to give after the 3rd Shirley Temple.
Wouldn't rly be surprised if this was an actual adultery video. I've heard exposing yourself to raw poultry is actually considered a delicacy in this part of the world.
She's not exactly equipped with the poker face of Clint Eastwood. So when the that wasnt a fart reaction washes over her, you know it's authentic. Reminiscent of a reoccurring dream I have involving Lizzo and all 31 flavors of Baskin Robbins
Good ole TikTok. It's like VINE, but more nudity and less dipshits that consider Call of Duty a rights of passage. Also it has Bree Louise's bare ass tit/vajee combo.
Think it's all freshman-year waistlines and Google Translating the cost of a Filipino corncobbing? Think again my stereotyped friend. Your sheckles would be better spent on your sister's braces. At least then you'd cum in under 24 hrs.
What's that old saying again? Once you go black you almost lose your uterus in a domestic street fight, get ejected from your tiki hut, and see the business end of a Ginsu knife? Because... that's exactly what happened here. Shit's fucked up yo.
MFC alumni's safe space gets invaded by some dude hunting a Pikachu, but found a couple of Jigglypuff's instead. Does she: a) 911 b) trade casserole recipes or c) invite him to be part of the felony. This ones easy.