Looking like Chris Bale from The Machinist, while your S/O gets a mouthful of bonerschnitzil. Exactly how you shouldn't spend the night after visiting grandma.
The downside of adopting an all-kale diet? Every uterus in a 500 mile radius is using your ass to springboard her next Instagram post to buzzfeed's front page. And don't even get me started on the leaking bowel syndrome...
This is Mariah Leonne. She's already been on here a few times doing the exact same shit... but this circus act is more dangerous than the others. 2 words lady: SUPER AIDS. Start vetting the guys, or get the GoFundMe ready.
Meet the Iggy Azalea of wife sharing. She honestly doesn't even need video. Just the audio of this life lesson is enough to moisten my Bugle Boy cut-offs.