Can't say I'm used to getting these kinds of requests outside of a FarmersOnly match, so color me pleasantly surprised. At that and her nipple symmetry. Not being required to own a forklift prior to date #1 is also a plus I'm not overlooking.
The ultimate persuasion (see: 40+ reasons) to get you down to the clinic and tested for everything from butt crabs to wiener warts. Seriously, if doctors hung photos like this on the wall I would predict a 37% decline in controllable STDs.
Nipples like Steve Buscemi, fasion by Malboro and feet that can only be kept warm by Shaq's foot locker. idk about you but I already nutted 8 seconds ago.
Josefina cut corners trying to emulate her hero. Turns out the $25 special at an Islamic plastic surgeon isn't the high ticket item originally thought. Now she's gotta live the rest of her life looking like Tim Burton's asshole LOL
There's a thin line between acceptable Facebook profile photos and wrist-deep rectal slaughter. Where that line exists, I don't know... but judging by the decorative wall piece behind them I can guarantee girlie #1 does.
The Denny's waitress during the day, stripper-at-night starter kit we can tolerate. Shit, we encourage it. But what's not supporting blood flow to my nether regions is a bite mark that may or may not smell like Fixodent.
$4 and a zip folder of sexually suggestive photos of House M.D. says this dude gets recognized. Sorry friend, the glory days of you wearing your daughters underwear as a Mexican wrestling mask are over.
How to make your silly art shit 100x better: do headshots on the left and close-ups of the asshole on the right. That's what people really want. To match a face to a turd cutter. Not American Apparel ads.
Check out the snapper on this one! I'll probably end up having a wet dream or 5 about eating her out. Emphasis on eating. She's got enough McRib down there to feed Kevin Smith.
The snail trail fermenting in your cotton underwears I can tolerate. Shit, some folks might even find that erotic. But what's not erotic is the menstrual stains encrusted into your... well, you'll see.
Fuckin hell, she's hot. So hot I'd give up my limited edition Tony the Tiger Nike Dunks just to have a lick on the crotch portion of her latex whorefit. Feel free to blush bitch, it's the compliment of a lifetime.
Take a petite white bitch and equip her with the best features of a black woman (huge ass and uhhh... yeah, kinda short list) and this is what you get. Fuckin fap.
You guys should see my Myspace head shots. I beat these bitches at their own game. Thanks to the blend tool, I look like one of the Jonas brothers and I'm pulling in 300 friend requests a day. Mostly older men but I'm not one too complain.