1 Little Ceaser's employee attempt to take a stand against camwhore exploitation doesn't go as planned. He went for the fuzzy doughnut, he was stripped and sent home instead. Another win for the token twins.
I'm all for women using their genitals to barter for pepperoni but for real, like G.I. Joe PSA kinda real, having your gooch rank lower on Abdul's priority list than a $3.00 tip has gotta hurt the feelies a little bit.
He's having good luck of the blowjob variety, and it's all caught on webcam. Her reason? Token flow is low and she has to get an edge on all the other pizza sluts. Uh huh. I see her future now... and its wearing Depends.
3 minute compilation of various women exposing themselves to a grab-bag of minimum wage mopes, featuring more acts of human desperation than Pauly Shore's twitter feed on a Saturday night.
Another myfreecams.com slut, spreading her pussy lips for all the world to see in exchange for menial pocket change. Apparently ordering Papa John's while naked gives them a competitive edge. Love it.