Rekt Porn Videos

  • "i destroy pornstars"

    A hearty "FUCK YOU" to whoever said portable meat satchels can't get you laid. This man's lust for affordable nutrition on-the-go just netted him enough tier-2 tuna casserole to earn a Martha Stewart seal of approval. #putthatontelevision

    Date: 06/20/24 Views: 168,901 Category: Rekt

  • Friend = Destroyed

    And by destroyed I obviously mean pleasantly surprised by an erection that didn't need to pass three different piss tests in order to make it past her cotton candy canoe. I've been told that's considered a delicacy in the gluten-free community.

    Date: 06/11/24 Views: 244,677 Category: Rekt

  • Girl, You Aint Sober

    I'm not even talking about the staged booze in her hand. I mean the necessity of being inebriated to go skin on skin with Trevor Phillips being much more potent than anything Budweiser could dream of cramming into a single serve bottle.

    Date: 06/01/24 Views: 136,941 Category: Rekt

  • 18 Year Old Slaughter

    "FUCK ME LIKE THE GLOBAL ECONOMY" is a bold title, but understandable. Almost as bold as listing her name as "Funky Town". I suspect many newcomers have since Google'd there way off the Internet for a while since this went live.

    Date: 04/18/24 Views: 148,983 Category: Rekt

  • Gang Members "break in" Soccer Mom

    I'm telling my friends this was Madonna.

    Date: 03/19/24 Views: 203,160 Category: Rekt

  • Society is Fucked

    The original working title for this was: Trailer Park Girls Gone Wild... but I was immediately cease and desisted by ROCKPILE LTD & ASSOCIATES. gnomesayin?

    Date: 03/04/24 Views: 148,386 Category: Rekt

  • Bro... Really? lmao

    Imagine spending weeks convincing your corner store Karen to accept the 2vs1 handicap match, only to sideline her with a cock that gets cease and desist letters from Nike. Just flip that thing over & hit it with a snowmobile again, you'll be aite.

    Date: 03/03/24 Views: 176,831 Category: Rekt

  • "oops we broke a stripper"

    Zero proof she twerks for nickles as a side hustle, but look at her; Malnourished, perma deer-in-headlights stare and "stripper" is in the title. I know the phenotype.

    Date: 12/29/23 Views: 220,409 Category: Rekt

  • Cuck's Wife Gets Demolished

    The aftermath is key here. The same results could've been achieved by renting a John Deer tractor and filling her with Oxycontin. But where's the chivalry in that?

    Date: 11/27/23 Views: 241,185 Category: Rekt

  • Before & After Fucking A Married Man

    Imagine getting the Mike Tyson makeover cause you couldn't keep your yapper off a penis that's configured like a submarine telescope. Prioritize better ladies.

    Date: 11/21/23 Views: 227,756 Category: Rekt

  • She Lasted 19 Seconds

    Date: 11/08/23 Views: 250,947 Category: Rekt

  • WTF Did She Expect?

    uhh I'm starting to notice a trend with these PornForce videos. 1. Sign a girl that weighs less than a bag of Idaho baked potatoes. 2. Bash the cervix. 3. Choose a thumbnail that fully captures the moment they actually shit themselves. I dig it.

    Date: 09/12/23 Views: 196,355 Category: Rekt

  • Innocence = Wrecked

    She's Demi Hawks and you'll have to clear out an appointment or three to truley appreciate her. What she lacks in tits, she makes up for in "copy/pasted tiktok thrift store makeup configuration I want to use as a communal speed bump" field.

    Date: 08/18/23 Views: 189,258 Category: Rekt

  • Just Don't Tell Her Mom

    "My talent know more about you than you. You stupid bitch."
    "I'm a fuckin professional, and you're just a whore."
    "You're just here to choke on cock right?"

    Date: 07/26/23 Views: 207,686 Category: Rekt

  • "until she's broken"

    A rousing assembly of women that don't believe the sex is over until their lower half is officially dripping more bell pepper chutney than a soup kitchen in Mumbai. And just like exposing yourself to Indian cuisine, someone's leaving skidmarked.

    Date: 05/31/23 Views: 269,034 Category: Rekt


    Here it is; A collection of broskis that last about as long as I do during a Marvel movie released after End Game. Normally these misfits would be thrown into the compost pile and forgotten, but these speedruns need to be seen to be believed.

    Date: 04/26/23 Views: 217,134 Category: Rekt

  • He's Proud of This?

    2:40 for the game winning field goal

    Date: 04/18/23 Views: 218,928 Category: Rekt

  • Before and After

    Pretty sure that first guy pissed himself on the way down. Impressive.

    Date: 04/07/23 Views: 207,563 Category: Rekt

  • Learning the Harder Way

    These community college entrance exams are getting wild.

    Date: 04/03/23 Views: 187,429 Category: Rekt

  • Escorting Gone Wrong HAHA

    2:20 mark for this one. Bobby Lee drops 6 years worth of Steam Gift cards on one of the businesses top prospects, only to be met with the same kind of disgust I get when trying to pay for sex with nickles. I'm sorry I thought this was America?

    Date: 02/10/23 Views: 171,479 Category: Rekt

  • The Initiation

    Date: 01/28/23 Views: 241,213 Category: Rekt

  • Absolutely VIOLATED

    Thumb girl is around the 1:45 mark. Which may or may not be some sorta guerilla advertising for John Deere. Will verify that after they respond to the email I sent.

    Date: 01/11/23 Views: 210,526 Category: Rekt

  • Safe Words Didn't Save Her

    The blurring of lines between snorkeling and female independence as illustrated by a sex act that's lead to more adult diapers than In n' Out's Animal Style. Never before has adult entertainment made me prouder of my Walmart reward points.

    Date: 12/19/22 Views: 234,759 Category: Rekt

  • "fuck me until I'm broken"

    I'm getting the impression this lady is no stranger to shotgunning a couple servings of Butthole du Jour after a succulent Chinese meal. But hit 88mph, and her brain damages faster than a Discord moderator DM's a bathtub streamer.

    Date: 10/24/22 Views: 164,182 Category: Rekt

  • Breaking Beautiful

    Alina Foxxx. More [HERE] and [HERE]

    Date: 09/15/22 Views: 217,166 Category: Rekt

  • Destroying an 85lb Girl

    Not the plan of attack I recommend you try on the misses. But when you're Mimi Cica, anything that doesn't run on a turbo diesel engine seems to be fair game...

    Date: 08/26/22 Views: 345,268 Category: Rekt

  • NOT What She Expected

    Imagine thinking you're going to get a few warm up rounds, and before you can get your last gulp of Starbies down you're already dodging an onslaught of haymakers. Possible life reflection moment happening in real time around 21:46.

    Date: 08/23/22 Views: 199,300 Category: Rekt


    bottoming out: "When the penis or other instrument used in a vagina, hits the back wall and can not go in any further." or better known as: "getting lil jon'd"

    Date: 07/19/22 Views: 184,387 Category: Rekt

  • "sry, did I go too deep?"

    Superb technique, but it's probably not for beginners. Chances are you'll misjudge one power thrust and catch one of the locals in the crossfire. It's called "The Ben Roethlisberger" and it will make you wish you kept the half boners at home.

    Date: 06/30/22 Views: 211,464 Category: Rekt


    If anything at all you need to click this for the masterpiece around the 2:00 mark. Akuma's pressure game looks unstoppable in Street Fighter VI. #pickatoptier

    Date: 04/28/22 Views: 160,518 Category: Rekt