NSFW Tattoos

  • From SWEET to WTF @ the 0:28 mark

    I'll bet 30 Pesos & all 3 self-taped VHS copies of House Party 2 that she spent more time teaching her tits to twerk than studying for that GED. A moral decision that will most definitely pay off at the next ICP concert.

    Date: 10/20/14 Views: 144,263 Category: Tattoos

  • Proud Of Her Ruined Butthole

    This is her 3rd anal tattoo. First 2 featured the names of her ex-lovers. Hey lady, men come and go. How about for this 3rd one you get something that won't be changing anytime soon - "stupid pug-faced whore".

    Date: 08/16/12 Views: 229,297 Category: Tattoos

  • Nice Tattoo

    He's got a fat gut, a huge Arnie tattoo and any time his wife chows down on too many Twinkys, he fucks her throat till she pukes em all up. This dude has class.

    Date: 05/29/10 Views: 104,311 Category: Tattoos