Slutty Porn Videos

  • Stranger Grabbed by the Pussy

    Not since the days of blindly acquiring porn ala 5600 baud Limewire have I come across a female with such seminal fortitude. She's got standards brah. Know who doesn't have standards? THIS WIND TUNNEL. #sendhelp

    Date: 02/12/18 Views: 256,604 Category: Slutty

  • Repair Man Has No Idea

    Degenerate hoebag works feverishly to get sexually assaulted by a guy with more V's in his name than a Russian dictionary... and doesn't come close to succeeding. Enjoy your 0-star YELP review Victor Vahdeem Vyachvyeslahv!

    Date: 01/28/18 Views: 275,980 Category: Slutty

  • Paralyzed by His Erection

    HIM: Dressed like a level 65 COD Lieutenant
    HER: Dressed like Corey Feldman during an audition
    Some love stories just aren't written with happy endings.

    Date: 01/19/18 Views: 252,657 Category: Slutty

  • 19 Guys in ONE Day?

    Only 2 people should never be caught doing the forbidden fox trot: Lindsay Lohan in her 'i'll snort Clorox' phase, and this girl. She's 19, anti-semen and dumber than a mailbox on Sunday. In other words: she was BORN for Efukt.

    Date: 06/30/17 Views: 687,689 Category: Slutty

  • TBT: She PREFERS ass-to-mouth?

    There's only two people willing to both sexually assault a comedy legend and chow down on their own dutch oven fumes. And they're both this girl.

    Date: 06/15/17 Views: 240,409 Category: Slutty

  • Life of the Party

    Okay I lied. Shes neither popular, nor is this a party. Shes Josefina, master of attention whoring & STD aficionado. Moral of the story: Test first, Lick later.

    Date: 06/07/17 Views: 208,867 Category: Slutty

  • "I can take 10 guys at once"

    Ya just got done telling the world your crotch sees more activity than the YMCA... is it really a time for giggles? Sit in a tub of peroxide & think it over.

    Date: 05/22/17 Views: 241,415 Category: Slutty

  • Attention Whore of the Year

    I like how social media has rapidly evolved from cat memes, into a cut throat industry of who can get Chlamydia fastest. 10/10, would vaccinate.

    Date: 05/05/17 Views: 236,656 Category: Slutty

  • 3 Guys, 1 Gram (LOL)

    Statistically speaking, this is the least likely way to acquire an STD on public transportation. Trust me, I've seen 3 episodes of House M.D.

    Date: 04/13/17 Views: 254,463 Category: Slutty


    This bitch is the Nelson Mandela of hooking up, but her BFF ain't having it. I thought I was a charitable dude after donating 2 1/2 bags of Hot Cheetos to my local soup kitchen. Thats diddly fuckin dick compared to this.

    Date: 03/15/17 Views: 237,560 Category: Slutty

  • REAL: 5 Strangers in 1 Day

    Deprived girl volunteers her noodle bowl on Craigslist to anyone w/ legs, free of charge. But instead of spacing out the locally unemployed, she hits one after another w/o as much as a Summer's Eve bath in between. #RIP

    Date: 12/15/16 Views: 263,138 Category: Slutty

  • Attention Whore of 2016

    Two mugs worth of Germany's finest lagers, and this ladies mouth turns into a portable glory hole. I'm talking blowjobs, community service style. So disgraceful you'd think she was running for president of the US and A.

    Date: 09/04/16 Views: 213,369 Category: Slutty

  • ALWAYS Tip Your Hotel Maids

    FACT: Men prefer a petite Hispanic with an anus full of fabric softener in their EconoLodge fantasies. Meet the exception: shes 30+, has tits like Deebo has lazy eyes and her policy on race-relation is top notch. More here

    Date: 04/13/16 Views: 351,474 Category: Slutty