Imagine hitching a ride on a South American city bus and being considered more of a biohazard than the two inches of piss you're currently standing in (barefoot).
Clearly it's a setup. But there's no doubt in my mind, in some dimly lit corner of a trailer park that doesn't show up on Google maps, this exact scenario is playing out surrounded by Newports & half-eaten cans of Costco's finest meatball ravioli.
Dude is hung like an Idaho potato, and she's got the kind of crazy eyes that would send Steve Buscemi running. Normally this kind of inbreeding would be kept behind closed doors until a Twitter hashtag is created for it... yet here we are.
Gotta be his wife. The 100 assaults posted to his channel all involve the same target. Considering the site he chose to upload to, you'd expect at least one incident involving adult diapers and a petting zoo. But nope; it never happens.
Hate to break your skid row fantasy, but homegirl isn't a vagrant. I actually still remember when this video first circulated; When desensitization was still a thing and public acts actually shocked people. Now nothing short of parallel parking a mini cooper into somebodies asshole gets the blood flowing. [ full version here ]
Turns out the keto friendly bratwurst and vinegar diet has a downside after-all. Call me a psychic, but I'm guessing the sequel isn't on her to-do schedule...
The upside to being treated like the exhaust pipe of a Chevrolet El Dorado? Literally nothing. All you have to do is breath and the alpha male fantasy fan fiction will magnetize to you like a herpes outbreak at a Playboi Carti concert.
Need proof that that stiffing people in your twenties is dangerous? Look no further my credit-enhanced friends. Meet Natalie Brooks. A special kind of girl that clearly needs more than one demonstration to learn her fucking lesson.
Speculation time: Misogynist? Eccentric fetish? The mating ritual of the Monarch Southern Californian? We may never know the answer, but one thing is certain: His verbal assault would have landed a 6-figure comedy special from HBO in 1998.
A Manson Family Hanukkah special is 1 thing I expected to see long before someone mastered the art of hands-free ejacuatlions. Now next time do it in the palm of a guy named Carlos. It's called the Puerto Rican Panhandle, I invented it.
After a marathon 365 days of nonstop sandpaper ass-fucking by 2020, you'd think Becky McBallbag would've called this guy's bluff and at least tried to enjoy the moment for another few seconds. What the hell happened to New Year New Me?
These dude's affinity for I lick the toilets at Publix for fun porn is off the fucking charts. I mean seriously - Imagine getting more typcasted than Jason Statham, in the adult world. P.S. Anyone else have a sudden urge to order chimmichangas?
I'm not even sure what the hell is going on here. I see too much ink, Too little foresight and a modified hospital bed normally reserved for My 600 lb Life. No further info than that, so... time for some hashtags. #doublestandards #hetoo
Never before have I seen a man do something so disrespectful with such finesse. Where there's shame, he shows confidence. Where there's shock, he brings warmth. And where there's romance, well... he really doesn't give a flying fuck.
A night of Malibu Rum and bands that consider wind chimes an instrument can only end 1 of 2 ways. And while tits hanging off your family tree seems like a clear winner, I implore you to consider going Randy Savage on a bitch as an alternative.
Now if only this freak put as much effort into his apprenticeship as he did into literally ruining his entire life, maybe this repulsive fuck would've thought twice about using a camera with the pixel output of a yukon potato. Kill him twice.
The Midwest: Some go for affordable street drugs. Others, go to make videos that can fuel an entire season of Dr. Phil. This guy does both. 1st he loads up on Slurm, then he shows his sister-cousin who's the boss of this double-wide. A role model?
I guess having sex isn't exactly considered "challenging" when someone has the alcohol tolerance of a vienna sausage. Lesson learned: Never try to impress a girl that's probably used the neighbor's cat as toilet paper. #germany #whydidifap
Sociopaths play their Blue-Eyed White Domestic Abuse cards in attack mode. The end result? A record-setting 4 minute tutorial of what not to do when your Tinder match finally says yes to Chicken Nuggets & Chill.