Cuck Porn Videos

  • REAL: A Wife for Hire

    An increasingly disturbing fetish keeps picks up more steam, but this time the female in question is a total right-swipe. Her snargleburger gets more attention than Elon Musk's Twitter and all I can do is wonder why. New Jersey's finest.

    Date: 03/24/23 Views: 216,078 Category: Cuck

  • "i want you to cripple my wife"

    1 trailer park girl goes round the outside...

    Date: 03/21/23 Views: 206,687 Category: Cuck

  • She Filed For Divorce A Week Later

    → convinces wife to fuck other men
    → turns out she's actually into it
    → leaves her beta husband

    Date: 02/07/23 Views: 239,731 Category: Cuck

  • Convincing Random Men to Fuck

    Had to look up our guide to stranger danger because I couldn't remember the last time I saw her put new content out. It seems she quit a while back, and that's a shame. Those Tinder videos she was making were borderline medical journals.

    Date: 01/16/23 Views: 212,193 Category: Cuck

  • "just annihilate my wife"

    Kind of a side note, but every time this dude makes a forward thrust her tits clap like a trained seal. I'm not supposed to find fish sticks erotic... yet here we are.

    Date: 12/31/22 Views: 219,169 Category: Cuck

  • Asking Strangers to Fuck His Wife

    Out of all the ways to catch an incurable disease on New Jersey's coastline, this actually only ranks #2 on the list. Our man is still 3 orders of deep fried Oreos and an Atlantic City hooker away from securing his gold medal. Shoot for the stars.

    Date: 12/25/22 Views: 204,555 Category: Cuck

  • Instant Cuckold Regret

    So... who exactly do we blame here? The beta who lied about the tolerance of his wife's prairie dog nest , or the guy trying to brute force his way to a $17 payday? Don't have that answer, but 1 thing is for sure: The sequel is not in development.

    Date: 12/17/22 Views: 284,757 Category: Cuck

  • Crippled by a Cuckold

    Step 1: Advertise your wife on Craigslist
    Step 2: Laugh as her uterus breaks
    Step 3: ????????
    Step 4: Profit

    Date: 11/15/22 Views: 245,003 Category: Cuck

  • Cucked Up Beyond all Recognition


    Date: 11/07/22 Views: 233,535 Category: Cuck

  • Bro... Really? haha

    Imagine spending weeks convincing your corner store Karen to accept the 2vs1 handicap match, only to sideline her with a cock that gets cease and desist letters from Nike. Just flip that thing over & hit it with a snowmobile again, you'll be aite.

    Date: 10/03/22 Views: 272,294 Category: Cuck

  • "how's your first cuckold going?"

    "Fearing for your life means it's working." - Wayne Gretzky

    Date: 09/25/22 Views: 295,727 Category: Cuck

  • When Cucking Goes... Wrong

    Cuck: "What's happening babe?"
    Wife: "Shut up!"

    Date: 09/16/22 Views: 201,879 Category: Cuck

  • "i gave my girlfriend to a drug dealer"

    There's a thin line between what's considered acceptable forms of payment and what isn't on the street level of narcotics distribution. I can't tell you exactly where that line is drawn, but I do know Figgles McDickslap just fuckin crossed it.

    Date: 06/21/22 Views: 270,893 Category: Cuck

  • Cuckold Goes too Far, Identity Hidden

    warning: the i'm close enough to smell the chic-fil-a polynesian sauce position is not approved for women over 35 or those with pre-existing vertebrae conditions.

    Date: 05/12/22 Views: 210,122 Category: Cuck

  • LMAO: Instant Cuckold Regret

    Talk about it here

    Date: 04/12/22 Views: 331,419 Category: Cuck

  • "my wife's first monster"

    Sometimes I ask myself, how exactly did we get this far as a society? Then I remember Reddit has 50 million active users and it all starts to make sense.

    Date: 04/03/22 Views: 288,807 Category: Cuck

  • Literally Traded GF for Weed

    If your the kind of man that can enjoy white girls giving back to a marginalized community, then this is the video for you. Don't give a fuck about philanthropy? Then perhaps another video showcasing women's talent suits you better.

    Date: 03/24/22 Views: 283,224 Category: Cuck

  • Cucks Going too Far Now

    If that isn't the look of a girl that's said "i' use dijon mustard as lubricant with for neighbor's mailbox" at Thanksgiving dinner, u can slap my bag & call me Sally. Now flip her over - I don't think Lorenzo got enough AIDS during his first pump.

    Date: 03/23/22 Views: 258,577 Category: Cuck

  • How to Fuck Up a Cuckolding

    1. Nothing. 2. Nothing. 3. Nothing. Name three things more humiliating than getting clowned by a guy that considers "SUPREME" the epitome of fashion.

    Date: 02/11/22 Views: 236,083 Category: Cuck

  • Wife Sharing Gone Bad

    Don't blame him. This 'once in a lifetime event' occurs more often than my toilet flushes after a McDonald's breakfast. Fuse that with her mouth breather-husband filming this despicable ordeal, and your climax is officially cancelled muchachos.

    Date: 11/23/21 Views: 264,807 Category: Cuck

  • "i let strangers fuck my wife"

    David Attenborough in 3...2...

    Date: 10/28/21 Views: 246,859 Category: Cuck

  • "alpha males destroyed my girlfriend"

    Consider this my open letter to Lilly Ford: I will donate the entire $12.35 I made trying to trade a Krypto Kitty that had down syndrome to a local soup kitchen in exchange for one night of your time and the power tool of your choosing. Call me.

    Date: 03/27/21 Views: 383,522 Category: Cuck


    Nearly 5" of solid mass split between 2 of Walmarts finest. If this don't encourage you to get your genitals blood tested on a semi-annual basis, I don't know wtf will.

    Date: 03/22/21 Views: 262,449 Category: Cuck

  • Cuckold Does... WHAT?

    Skip to the 7:25 mark. Look man - Exploration in the bedroom is one thing. Ending the night with a worse aftertaste than White Castle's breakfast menu is another. Seek help. And grab me a Castle Pack with a fruit punch on the way back, thx bro.

    Date: 01/11/21 Views: 223,181 Category: Cuck

  • The End of a Marriage

    06:36: "your dick is too small"
    08:37: "i cant even feel your dick"
    11:00: [large caliber gunfire]

    Date: 12/02/20 Views: 298,412 Category: Cuck

  • Cucked by King Kong

    Just what in the fuck is going on here? Sneaky camera angles? Or are we actually witnessed the mating ritual of a Tyrannosaurus Rex? I don't know man, but one thing is for sure: Straight White Cervix Lives most definitely do not matter today.

    Date: 07/09/20 Views: 267,424 Category: Cuck

  • Humiliating Cuckold LOL

    This isn't just any old deviant pretending to get crotch lice at the carnival. And it may very well be the first documented swinger cuckolding. In other words: The only way Pavol is getting pussy juice on his face today is if he starts crying.

    Date: 05/21/20 Views: 246,478 Category: Cuck

  • Beta Male of the Year

    Listen up Patrick: when it comes time to splurge mom's xmas money this holiday season - try making it a worthwhile investment. Like a Kindle Fire. Or a noose.

    Date: 12/24/19 Views: 292,448 Category: Cuck


    Disregard the title they have. "french", "amateur" and "1st interracial threesome" are all lies. This girl was notorious for seeking black dong on plentyoffish and filming herself running the gambit of choco weiners in the mid-2000's. #truth

    Date: 06/23/19 Views: 273,949 Category: Cuck

  • Dating a Californian Girl

    Nothing says "committed relationship" quite like turning your girlfriend's slippery octopus into a communal act. Let's just say... there won't be a marriage proposal.

    Date: 03/10/19 Views: 257,583 Category: Cuck