Slutty Porn Videos

  • Tinder Date DGAF

    Right-swipe of the year takes a stroll down buttblast boulevard in an attempt to expand her reach on social media. Little weak TBH. I've seen assholes getting stretched wider than that in the comments under any given Logan Paul video.

    Date: 01/31/20 Views: 320,234 Category: Slutty

  • How to get Herpes at Burning Man

    She's drunk, high and/or from southern New Jersey. All of which appropriately explain why she's using her asshole as a greeting card. I have a strong feeling this day ended with at least one health insurance deductible being reached.

    Date: 11/02/19 Views: 269,285 Category: Slutty

  • 5 Stellar Acts of Public Indecency

    girl #4 tho...

    Date: 01/25/19 Views: 361,385 Category: Slutty

  • The Real Face of Regret

    Behold, the full version of this edit

    Date: 01/19/19 Views: 298,475 Category: Slutty

  • Meanwhile, at the Marriot Hotel...

    Never underestimate the benefits of a 3-star YELP hotel that recycles toilet paper. You may leave with a more diseased crotch than all 97-years of Madonna's world tours combined... but the stories you'll be able to tell will be legendary. #facts

    Date: 12/28/18 Views: 309,003 Category: Slutty

  • Stranger Grabbed by the Pussy

    Not since the days of blindly acquiring porn ala 5600 baud Limewire have I come across a female with such seminal fortitude. She's got standards brah. Know who doesn't have standards? THIS WIND TUNNEL. #sendhelp

    Date: 02/12/18 Views: 258,823 Category: Slutty

  • Repair Man Has No Idea

    Degenerate hoebag works feverishly to get sexually assaulted by a guy with more V's in his name than a Russian dictionary... and doesn't come close to succeeding. Enjoy your 0-star YELP review Victor Vahdeem Vyachvyeslahv!

    Date: 01/28/18 Views: 277,859 Category: Slutty

  • Paralyzed by His Erection

    HIM: Dressed like a level 65 COD Lieutenant
    HER: Dressed like Corey Feldman during an audition
    Some love stories just aren't written with happy endings.

    Date: 01/19/18 Views: 254,529 Category: Slutty

  • 19 Guys in ONE Day?

    Only 2 people should never be caught doing the forbidden fox trot: Lindsay Lohan in her 'i'll snort Clorox' phase, and this girl. She's 19, anti-semen and dumber than a mailbox on Sunday. In other words: she was BORN for Efukt.

    Date: 06/30/17 Views: 694,680 Category: Slutty

  • TBT: She PREFERS ass-to-mouth?

    There's only two people willing to both sexually assault a comedy legend and chow down on their own dutch oven fumes. And they're both this girl.

    Date: 06/15/17 Views: 242,319 Category: Slutty

  • Life of the Party

    Okay I lied. Shes neither popular, nor is this a party. Shes Josefina, master of attention whoring & STD aficionado. Moral of the story: Test first, Lick later.

    Date: 06/07/17 Views: 210,814 Category: Slutty

  • "I can take 10 guys at once"

    Ya just got done telling the world your crotch sees more activity than the YMCA... is it really a time for giggles? Sit in a tub of peroxide & think it over.

    Date: 05/22/17 Views: 243,338 Category: Slutty

  • Attention Whore of the Year

    I like how social media has rapidly evolved from cat memes, into a cut throat industry of who can get Chlamydia fastest. 10/10, would vaccinate.

    Date: 05/05/17 Views: 238,239 Category: Slutty

  • 3 Guys, 1 Gram (LOL)

    Statistically speaking, this is the least likely way to acquire an STD on public transportation. Trust me, I've seen 3 episodes of House M.D.

    Date: 04/13/17 Views: 256,396 Category: Slutty


    This bitch is the Nelson Mandela of hooking up, but her BFF ain't having it. I thought I was a charitable dude after donating 2 1/2 bags of Hot Cheetos to my local soup kitchen. Thats diddly fuckin dick compared to this.

    Date: 03/15/17 Views: 239,582 Category: Slutty

  • REAL: 5 Strangers in 1 Day

    Deprived girl volunteers her noodle bowl on Craigslist to anyone w/ legs, free of charge. But instead of spacing out the locally unemployed, she hits one after another w/o as much as a Summer's Eve bath in between. #RIP

    Date: 12/15/16 Views: 265,383 Category: Slutty

  • Attention Whore of 2016

    Two mugs worth of Germany's finest lagers, and this ladies mouth turns into a portable glory hole. I'm talking blowjobs, community service style. So disgraceful you'd think she was running for president of the US and A.

    Date: 09/04/16 Views: 214,813 Category: Slutty

  • ALWAYS Tip Your Hotel Maids

    FACT: Men prefer a petite Hispanic with an anus full of fabric softener in their EconoLodge fantasies. Meet the exception: shes 30+, has tits like Deebo has lazy eyes and her policy on race-relation is top notch. More here

    Date: 04/13/16 Views: 353,871 Category: Slutty