Small Cocks Videos

  • Getting the Last Laugh

    Easily the most deplorable attempt at sexual assault to ever grace my 13" Amiga computer monitor. And that's coming from a man who's seen more than 18 straight minutes of an Adam Sandler movie. My opinion counts.

    Date: 04/24/17 Views: 147,091 Category: Small Cocks

  • Pornstar vs. Migrant Worker

    A no-questions asked handjob in the loading area of Bed Bath and Beyond would put the smile on any man's face... but not Carlos. Who shit in his Baja Chalupa?

    Date: 11/24/14 Views: 196,090 Category: Small Cocks

  • 2 Inch Stroodle Doodle

    In between her jew nose and his tootsie roll of a cock... I gotta ask... how the fuck did they expect anyone to get off to this? It's like the Wicked Witch meets Mini Me.

    Date: 05/05/10 Views: 140,164 Category: Small Cocks

  • Hung Like A Hamster

    Even my chinchilla has a bigger cock than this chump. SUICIDE. NAO.

    Date: 12/26/09 Views: 171,638 Category: Small Cocks