WTF Porn Videos


    Not since the Siswet Blowout have I seen such an intense level of hole abuse.

    Date: 07/16/21 Views: 260,517 Category: WTF

  • wrong Wrong WRONG!

    Somewhere (Germany) there must exist an OSHA violations video that involves a hydraulic press and whatever's left of this guys hammerhead of a chode. #betonit

    Date: 05/22/21 Views: 245,676 Category: WTF

  • The Dark Side of Chaturbate

    uhh... MODS?!

    Date: 04/27/21 Views: 246,582 Category: WTF


    Tasteless? Maybe
    Necessary? Probably
    Needs a sequel? O-H-Y

    Date: 03/25/21 Views: 203,317 Category: WTF

  • This Traumatized Me

    It's official: I tapped.

    Date: 03/04/21 Views: 271,111 Category: WTF


    In what seems to be an effort to ultimately rent her asshole out as an airport hangar, siswet has once again pushed the envelope on what is considered 'regular rectology'. This time, taking Keemstar straight into the promised land.

    Date: 01/25/21 Views: 206,049 Category: WTF

  • New Year, New STD

    Dare to browse the depths of publicly uploaded porn sites and this is the cesspool of shit you'll come across. The kind of footage that is not only questionable, but encouraged by the most degenerate hotdog connoisseurs inside the Internet.

    Date: 01/18/21 Views: 429,781 Category: WTF

  • Attention Whores Unstoppable

    #nostalgia Just scroll to 1:22 and remember what it was like when the only thing that mattered in life was how low you could get your ping on a 56k modem, and your stock of BAWLS GAMER JUICE. Truly a simpler time for a simpler world.

    Date: 12/13/20 Views: 229,631 Category: WTF

  • "my girlfriend fucks strangers"

    The downside of adopting an all-kale diet and moderating Reddit forums? Every uterus in your rolodex gets socialized like Chinese healthcare. And don't even get me started on the amount of Amibos you have to stock up on to stay relevant.

    Date: 11/22/20 Views: 230,598 Category: WTF

  • The $300,000 THOT

    As fate would have it, combining the genetics of a 1st-world pornstar and modern technology yields impressive results. Now if you'll excuse me I have to take a 7-second jump roping class and gouge my fucking eyes out with a melon baller.

    Date: 11/17/20 Views: 273,241 Category: WTF


    More [HERE]

    Date: 10/02/20 Views: 316,695 Category: WTF

  • Well... WOULD YOU?

    This is who's arguing with you on Reddit.

    Date: 09/17/20 Views: 287,888 Category: WTF

  • Worlds Most Expensive Hooker

    What happens when you combine the Czech Republic with Gordon Ramsay's internship program, and secure funding from George Soros? uhh, I'll let you know after my parents unblock me after accidentally linking them to this video lmao

    Date: 09/10/20 Views: 203,864 Category: WTF

  • DAMN, Where'd You Learn That?!

    Just go ahead and scroll to the 6:15 mark and ask yourself: "just what in the secret of monkey island miss cleo juju voodoo bullshit is going on here?" Because I did.

    Date: 08/17/20 Views: 267,412 Category: WTF

  • The Game Changer


    Date: 08/08/20 Views: 369,123 Category: WTF


    Is this the application to get into CHAZ?

    Date: 06/14/20 Views: 202,522 Category: WTF

  • "youre not allowed to watch this video"

    Ever find yourself asking the question: What would happen if you spiked Freddy Kreuger's Ambien with boner pills, let Michael Myers into a glory hole and told Jason Voorhees that teenage pussy has a better use than pitchfork storage?

    Date: 04/16/20 Views: 316,113 Category: WTF

  • no, you shouldn't jerk off to this

    Tired of jacking off to the same old fantasies of Cardi B in a bath tub full of Velveeta cheese and want the next best thing? How about the bi-product of a 50,000-Karma Reddit account? I'm talking fatal levels of simp neckbearding here.

    Date: 03/11/20 Views: 282,387 Category: WTF

  • Your Coworker is a FREAK

    Not only do women work fewer hours than men, they choose different careers. Women are more interested in people, while men are more interested in things. They also take more browns to the Super Bowl than the NFL ever has in 98 years.

    Date: 02/25/20 Views: 324,698 Category: WTF

  • "im not a hooker"

    Imagine swallowing enough beef to spiral the vegan community out of control, then proclaim it's not for the money. Here's a free tip: It might be more believable if you say it without the echo your butthole is emitting after doing that scene lol.

    Date: 02/02/20 Views: 440,503 Category: WTF

  • Don't do this to a Pornstar

    More of this fucking degenerate [HERE] and [HERE]

    Date: 01/14/20 Views: 227,491 Category: WTF


    Date: 11/16/19 Views: 365,996 Category: WTF

  • This Should NOT be on Video

    I'm a simple man. I can only imagine the sex life of an active only has one dynamic to it. And we're fucking looking at it right now. #help

    Date: 10/11/19 Views: 243,691 Category: WTF

  • 10 Times Porn Actually Shocked Me

    And by shocked I mean quietly contemplating how far into insanity social media and attention whoring has pushed society. makes these Efukt-ish videos regularly and they officially changed my life for the worse. More [HERE]

    Date: 09/15/19 Views: 299,415 Category: WTF

  • REAL: Most Fucked Up Thing I've EVER SEEN

    No clickbait, I'm DEAD SERIOUS. Scroll to the 3:00 min mark and pretend physics still exists. Then call Tom Savini and tell him his services are no longer required.

    Date: 08/22/19 Views: 353,503 Category: WTF


    Wanna make ur shitty demo reels better? Feature the organic instrumentals only a Greenbay Packers fan can truly appreciate. Thats the way to the Internets heart.

    Date: 11/06/18 Views: 282,243 Category: WTF

  • Right Girl, WRONG PLACE

    I was spaghetti soft until the camera panned 12 inches south. Fucking hell, this chick is 1 injection of anesthesia away from experimental cornhole surgery & she's rippin one out like the lifeboats were deployed. I'm in love?

    Date: 04/05/18 Views: 297,130 Category: WTF

  • Roomate of the YEAR

    LIFE LESSON #237: If someone uses the word negotiable in their Craigslist ad - move the fuck on to the next one or prepare to doomsday prep on Valtrex & Clorox bleach. Discounts are temporary. War-torn genitals arent.

    Date: 03/25/18 Views: 309,883 Category: WTF

  • How the fuck is this even possible...

    [tip: scroll to bottom of page for link] You know that thin piece of skin that separates the inside of a vagina from the rusty turntable? Well, her two costars just accidentally thrusted straight fucking through it. #diapers4life

    Date: 03/13/18 Views: 334,266 Category: WTF

  • This is bad. Like, REAL BAD

    This guy has a unique style. It's 1 part Tom Savini, 17 parts Jeffrey Dahmer. If any of you are the betting type, I've got the entire 3rd season of The Martin Lawrence show on VHS that says those snatch flies @ 0:16 mark are legit.

    Date: 12/03/17 Views: 288,080 Category: WTF