See that ripped-as-fuck bromaster over there? All those roids shrunk his testicles into pistachio nuts... so he's not exactly fit for a Peter North-esque facial. Time for Plan B - Jergens. Lots and lots of Jergens.
Sloppy pervert pays the price for using bulky, outdated equipment. His victim quickly takes notice and stomps everything to shit. That's what you get for shopping @ Radioshack in the 21st century, you dumb fuck.
Her cornhole is the size of that Guatemalan sinkhole and she just scarfed down a #5 at Taco Bell. You know that ride "Free Fall" at Magic Mountain? Lets just say it bares a few striking similarities to this chick's colon.
There's no coming back from something like this. Her twat will be forever agape. The chronic queefing has already set in. She's essentially a walking, talking whoopie cusion and yet she remains in good spirits. I like that in a whore.
Computer genius yearning to fuck a sub-400 pound woman manages to bribe a Hooter's waitress into sleeping over. $2300 and 5 hits of crack nets him the best 30 seconds of his life.
Deepthroat gone awry, she upchucks all over floor.. soiling one, possibly even two motel 6 pillow sheets. The man responsible issues a few words of comfort - "you puking whore, you puked". True love.
Cute teen with gothic undertones and a mean set of dicksucking skills goes to town on her BF's 7 incher. Unfortunately her enthusiastic blowjob comes to a halt after a minor instance of projectile vomit. That'll do it!
The unwritten rules of a nude beach: a.) see with your eyes, not your hands b.) travel in packs, you'll feel like less of a douchebag and c.) always bury your jizz. Common courtesy bro.
Remember that bitch from one of the select few episodes of Maury that didnt involve teeangers having sex in exchange for cheeseburgers? She had this crazy ability to pop her eyes out of their sockets, Total Recall style. Well, it appears she reproduced.
Check the last 5 seconds of this video. His penis looks like something off the menu of Wetzel's Pretzel. And yet he fucks on, completely unphased by the penile fracture. I crown thee Techno Viking of sexual intercourse.
I've seen this turd in a few vids now. Same shit every time. He poses as a potential customer.. but in reality.. he's just buying some time to beat off and talk dirty with a member of the opposite sex. Ballin on a budget.
Malaysian hooker foolishly assumes her objective is complete and exerts a sigh of relief... only to be shot point blank with yet another wad of Joseppi's finest. The element of surprise has never been more erotic.
Her twat is blood red and more shriveled than the cock of an Eskimo. For god sakes, what member of the animal kingdom did you fuck? And more importantly, how big was it's penis?
BBC camerawoman with big natties gets groped by a band of primates that live off monkey cock and coconut juice. Fuckin darkies... always having their way with the white womenz.
Take a petite white bitch and equip her with the best features of a black woman (huge ass and uhhh... yeah, kinda short list) and this is what you get. Fuckin fap.
Cute Russian girl sucks a cock fresh outta the rectal oven and gets a little more than she bargained for. I'm talking fecal residue, right on the tongue. Good times.
Talking into gaping assholes, hearing your echo... sure looks like fun but I'm betting the smile fades once catch a whiff of the cheese enchilada and frijoless that's on it's way out. Know what I mean dawg?
She gushes out cum like a broken sprinkler. And by cum I mean urine... cause female ejaculation is a fuckin lie - unlike the rumor that all black people are deathly afraid of cats. That was actually scientifically proven in 1987.
Gee whiz lady. Isn't there something a little important you should be doing right now rather than spreading your gash for Uncle Jerry? Irresponsible bitch.
Chick gets gangbanged after being encased in a box of cement, with holes left for each orifice. Pretty sure that's fake as fuck but bonus points for the novel idea.
Big tittied slutty gets introduced to the pains of anal sex. Miraculously, she seems to enjoy it. Those are some killer knockers lady... please ditch the Ellen Degeneres hairdo though.
Cute pornstar nearly vomits after getting a taste of her partners alfredo sauce. Bitch needs to quit tripping and learn to savor the condiments of life.
He's got a fat gut, a huge Arnie tattoo and any time his wife chows down on too many Twinkys, he fucks her throat till she pukes em all up. This dude has class.