He's got a fat gut, a huge Arnie tattoo and any time his wife chows down on too many Twinkys, he fucks her throat till she pukes em all up. This dude has class.
Pay close attention and you'll notice that that's not jizz being unloaded on to her face. It's lotion. Some dumb fuck standing aside the cameraman is flinging it at her lol. Porno magic baby.
Damn... her cunt looks just as busted as the o-ring on her asshole. This bitch is gonna need industrial strength stitches or she's gonna be walking around with 2 craters between her legs.
In between her jew nose and his tootsie roll of a cock... I gotta ask... how the fuck did they expect anyone to get off to this? It's like the Wicked Witch meets Mini Me.
Can't say it's the first time I've seen a yellow Squash misued as a sexual aid but that's definitely one of the bigger ones. Perhaps she's prepping for a certain farm animal too?
Dude gets called over to a changing room to assist a random slutty with her bikini. After she briefly leaves, he relishes the moment and starts beating off while the smell of her cunt is still in the air. You da man.
A housefly erroneously travels into the gaping ass cave of a 2 bit whore. I've actually seen this happen on more than one occasion. The novelty never fades.
HAHA fucking pwned. I love how she gets all camera shy after realizing that she's just ingested her own turd residue. Yep, your life is over bitch. Crumble in shame.
I'm gonna go ahead and file this under 'incest'. Filming momma make a #2 is flat out fuckin wrong. Unless your mother happens to be that zesty little slut from Veronica Mars. By all means, record everything.
You guys should see my Myspace head shots. I beat these bitches at their own game. Thanks to the blend tool, I look like one of the Jonas brothers and I'm pulling in 300 friend requests a day. Mostly older men but I'm not one too complain.
You ever see Donnie Darko? Remember the bitchy older sister? Wanna see her get violated by a Chinaman suffering from small penis complex? Don't worry, I'll bring the popcorn.
Okay so he's got be me beat by half an inch. But where I lack in size, I make up for in mobility. Bet you a hundred bucks that dwarf is incapable of doing my signature 'reverse pile driver' sex move. So beat that, motherfucker.
McCain is 3 years over his life expectancy. He'll most likely die before even completing his first term. That would make Sarah Palin America's most supreme pussy.