Right-swipe of the week takes a stroll down butt blast boulevard in an attempt to expand her social media(s). Kinda weak for these guys tbh. I've seen asses getting stretched wider than that in the comments under any given Coffeezilla playlist.
I'm no expert, but we may be reaching critical levels of shamelessness here. Or as the Italians used to call it; "Exterminus Adversus Slutterdominous". disclaimer: Be sure not to say that three times or your furniture might start floating the room.
Yeah I know she's not in a PF location during this video, but one would have to assume this kind of behavior would get you a coast-to-coast ban. They seem to have a very high intolerance for sexual behavior and lifting weights above 50lbs.
Ahh the 2011-2013 era of hooligan porn. [this] [duo] got chlamydia walking, so OnlyFans girls of today could spread digital AIDS running. History is important.
I'm sure an UBER to a trailer park and at least 2 cans of 4LOKO are responsible for the creation of this vid. But, screw it; Even Spalding is jealous of that bounce.
Time to meet your new idol. She's probably activated more STDs than a Sudanese prostitute, yet somehow still manages to be the most popular girl at the function.
Short of being a petri dish for Moderna, idk what this behavior is good for. Never having the face-to-face embarrassment of power washing your partner? Caution to those considering signing up; Not all special teams plays are built the same.
Eye-rolling hotdog acrobat takes her show on the road. Sometimes it's on her uncles faux leather seats. Other times it's to channel her inner leather face. Whoever told you romance is dead was obviously lying to your fuckin face.
In what I assume is an attempt to squeeze another $5/month out of her monthly sub price, Tanya Luanne Britnnay-Lynn has effectively turned herself into a tool for community service. Now everyone get in their '93 Honda Accords & go home.
The (actual) original post was by a homie that claimed he was going to "try cuckolding" but things quickly turned into an all out free-for-all the moment her Lululemon's hit the floorboards. A moment of silence for Brad's ex-relationship.
Actual teacher, or another deranged clout chaser trying to get "kAnTeNT" for their OnlyFans? It doesn't matter. What's more important is the janitor having to scrub last night's mayonnaise tadpoles out of the carpet. You fuckin monsters.
If I remember correctly this girl was a 1 and done. Which is unfortunate, because she had the face/rectal tolerance of a star that could've lasted the entire 2.5 year lifespan the average girl in this scene pulls before spiraling into an eating disorder.
You would think one day in the future a video of your significant other being railroaded in the shallow end of a pool human sized petri dish would return to haunt you. And if u do, u'd be right. She'll never show her face in Walmart again.
Kinda wondering why this specimen chose not to continue her journey into the world of reckless colon cleanses. Those facial expressions at 5:35 are just iconic.
First dude was def. trying to sneak one past the goalie. An apparent breaking point for a woman that considers spitroasting one of the 5 major food groups.
Bareback swapping with the bros, and not a single incoherent "fr fr" or "no cap" mumbled out of her mouth during the entire vid. That's a win by 2023 standard.
Desperate college girls and 40-year-olds with TikTok accounts; It's a combination second only to Diet Dr. Shasta and Trader Joe's patio chips. (trust me). In other words: It's a safe bet that everybody was harmed during the making of this video.
Props to the guy piping this one down. I haven't seen a 78lb girl this interesting since the time I was caught defecating in a Starbucks drive thru in protest to my blonde roast getting served hot. I specifically said ICED, Becky-lynn. More HERE.
Normally this kind of attempt at public depravity would be immediately thrown into the compost pile for wasting our time. But I'm told this lunatic is legit, and has a history of freebasing randoms along her journey. Big rofl @ the 1:33 mark.
Protip for my ever-evolving female viewer base: If you ever find yourself in this situation, make sure you order the blooming onion first. Outback servers tend to frown upon this kind of behavior out of the gate. Don't ask me how I know.
Considering one the participants is none other than Riley "anything is a dildo if you try hard enough" Reid I can go either way on the authenticity of this. Mainly cuz it's not the worst way to get the gift of Herpes next to a bag of Hot Cheetos.