Featured Porn Videos Page 68

  • Caught Masturbating at Work

    DOMINO EFFECT: she goes 2fast2furious on her clitoris > sound alerts boss > surprise confrontation almost makes her give birth to a Hershey's special dark bar. Find her HERE where she bills herself as a cool 55lbs.

    Date: 08/06/15 Views: 211,405 Category: Webcams

  • 2 Cleaning Ladies, 1 Legend

    If only the planet of ham from this classic were here today, we could get his approval. Or h8 since his only documented contact is with Ralph Macchio. Point is: Karate Kid is a good movie and deserves our respect.

    Date: 08/05/15 Views: 431,610 Category: Alphas

  • SHARKING... by Females?

    JinJang and Co. drop their porkbuns and head to the streets for some good ol' fashioned Shanghai fun: Going berserker barrage on a defenseless girls undergarments. It's like watching Bill Cosby in 1983. Too soon? Too bad.

    Date: 08/01/15 Views: 178,959 Category: Stripped

  • The Horrors of Anime Addiction

    One time something Japanese-related decides not to censor genitalia... it involves a love doll built for Verne Troyer. But the key phrase today is: LOVE STORY. This has one that would make Twilight shit it's pants in envy.

    Date: 07/30/15 Views: 133,353 Category: WTF

  • 4 Stages of Anal

    00:05 - FEAR
    02:37 - PAIN
    04:16 - HATE
    11:43 - LOVE

    Date: 07/26/15 Views: 349,511 Category: Anal

  • The Art of Not Giving a Fuck

    3 groups of degenerates that have truly mastered the art of public debauchery. Blondie doing the 24 dong taste test may be a (worthy) repost, but Mr. Bean's sidewalk slam and the camel sliders sure as shit aren't.

    Date: 07/23/15 Views: 246,679 Category: Voyeur

  • Introductory to Prostitution

    An eight minute crash course on how to squeeze every shekel out of your favorite vagrant - as illustrated by a guy that barks out more instructions than a fucking ride at 6 Flags. It's priceless information really. Trust me.

    Date: 07/21/15 Views: 204,291 Category: Hookers

  • His Father Was Part Horse

    Pegleg McGreggor is packing enough meat to start a slaughterhouse. Naturally his first course of action is to find the nearest Asian female and attempt snicker bar seppuku. Me thinks he was responsible for this as well.

    Date: 07/12/15 Views: 315,809 Category: Big Dicks

  • Blowjob FAIL (HAHA)

    S'n some D only has a few rules: Minimal teeth usage and keep the c-rings away from all other jewelry. Not a hard list but this backpage.com alumni decides to test fate anyway, resulting in an epic rage quit. GG NO RE

    Date: 07/05/15 Views: 177,813 Category: Fail

  • Black or White?

    Everybody is born with a gift. Unfortunately theirs is about as useful as Bruce Jenner's vagina. Sure, they can trace the history of the gluteus maximus via one touch, but will that really help greet us at Walmart?

    Date: 07/02/15 Views: 162,991 Category: LMAO

  • Haters Hate, Potatoes Potate

    Not since the time I used Canadian nickles on a stripper named Twin Peaks have I seen such disrespect for fat tits. But unlike my ban from The Bush Co. - these BBW whisperers have zero intent of letting this poor soul go.

    Date: 07/01/15 Views: 207,323 Category: Fights

  • Now You're a Man!

    Being held hostage by a post-op a-hole? Sounds like his birthday came early. That is, until he realizes this culo hits like Mike Tyson on payday. The aroma of quepapas may fade, but the complimentary rhinoplasty is forever.

    Date: 06/30/15 Views: 147,453 Category: Surprise

  • Award-Winning Public Masturbation II

    Nothing gets clicks quite like scenes of unsuspected sauce tossing. So here's 45 minutes of them. You read that right: FORTY FIVE - as in the number of erections I get during one episode of Sabrina the Teenage Witch.

    Date: 06/29/15 Views: 268,502 Category: Fappers

  • Unexpected Blowjob

    I like how he keeps his hands above her waist, so as to not make contact with her genitals. Cuz a fingerbang would be over the line, whereas gagging on last week's dodger dog in front of 78 people is just a-oh-fucking-k.

    Date: 06/27/15 Views: 194,050 Category: Voyeur

  • Bangkok's Most Talented Vagina

    Stripping: aka the quintessential stepping stone to full blown porno. Most trailer park residents cross over ASAP - but chances are they weren't gifted the Carrot Top prop-bag of genitalia. This ones gonna be just fine.

    Date: 06/25/15 Views: 183,844 Category: Asians

  • 18-year-old Reality Check

    I like how porn has evolved from sex, into a demanding business of who's more willing to use their vagina as a garbage can. Dare penetrate this one's genitalia and you'll be balls deep in sexual fossils of yesteryear. 10/10

    Date: 06/22/15 Views: 274,050 Category: Teen (18+)

  • He Found the Male G-Spot

    1 part mystery, 13 parts WTF. Confusion starts with the Thor-like climax at 2:44. Said goober then begins to flop around like an adderall-deficient retard. WHY? Only his gyno and Shaquille O'Neal's wife have that answer.

    Date: 06/19/15 Views: 199,070 Category: Amateur

  • Never Cross This Girl. NEVER.

    FACT: 99.98% of YouTube prank videos are faker than every head of hair behind a Burger King cash register. But this GF bitch puts legitimacy to the final test when she commits testicular revenge not yet documented.

    Date: 06/14/15 Views: 239,443 Category: Bitches

  • DEVASTATING Orgasm @ 4:45

    Going mach-17 on your clitoris in order to produce your first non-Harry Potter related climax? Cool. Seizing up like you got tazed in the asshole with a car battery? Not so cool. What in the fuck did I just ejaculate to?

    Date: 06/07/15 Views: 150,353 Category: Virgins


    Lacy wants to spice up her P-hub page with a little public action. Problem is... Lacy ain't no basic bitch that flashes her gash at the DMV & calls it a day. What follows made me scratch both balls in bewilderment.

    Date: 06/05/15 Views: 184,334 Category: Freaks

  • Hey Lady, You Dropped Something

    Selena plops a double serving of guacamole right on the dance floor and straight up doesn't give a fuck. EDIT: Upon closer review it looks like she was trying to dunk into the garbage can, but missed a layup instead LOL

    Date: 06/02/15 Views: 167,541 Category: Poo Poo

  • Porn in 1974 Was AWESOME

    Dare to browse grandpa's pre-VHS war chest of adult videos and this is the gold you'll strike. An era of pr0n where incest was not only encouraged, but calling your daughter a twat was considered "foreplay". Hilarious.

    Date: 05/29/15 Views: 202,603 Category: LMAO

  • Fuckin With Truckers

    Attention whore diddles her clit in the fast lane, hoping to distract a man in charge of 40 tons of steel. Victory is semi-achieved halfway in, ending with no more than a thumbs up & Katy Perry high notes. Rules of the road.

    Date: 05/26/15 Views: 115,323 Category: Public

  • Exhibitionist of the Year

    If you're the type of guy that gets enjoyment out of unsuspecting migrants being surprised by grade-A southern California tit jobs, Elay is the girl for you. Not your style? Feel free to take a gander at this instead.

    Date: 05/24/15 Views: 226,285 Category: Hot

  • Finger Banged @ Joe's Crab Shack

    Public oyster shucking. Doesn't try to hide it. Doesn't care that Hot Topic's day shift is spectating. This MILF couldn't give less than a shit about the world around her and I respect that. Neglect porn should be a thing.

    Date: 05/14/15 Views: 254,934 Category: Voyeur

  • The Worst Threesome Ever?

    She's pushing 200lbs and thinks NASCAR is entertaining. How can life possibly get any worse? If you guessed "getting tag teamed by guys that have less respect for the female body than Bill Cosby" you're a winner.

    Date: 05/06/15 Views: 150,154 Category: Fail

  • This is Why I Have Trust Issues

    Ass like Nicki Minaj? Shameless, nude self-promotion on Twitter? The majority of you have already clicked by now, without catching a view of the churro de maricon dangling up front. If you must blame, blame yourself.

    Date: 04/25/15 Views: 184,191 Category: Surprise

  • Prostitute Destroyer

    Poor prosti. Freshly brainwashed by a 24 hour marathon of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, she thought gettin hollowed out by a gentleman named Omar could be fun.

    Date: 04/23/15 Views: 294,570 Category: Asians

  • Yes, That's Her Mother

    Incestual behavior and trailer park tattoos aside, Niki's momma is one hot piece of ass. Too bad her tits have more fix-a-flat in them than a Pep Boys. This is what happens when the state stops charging her EBT card.

    Date: 04/21/15 Views: 355,229 Category: Webcams

  • Cumming on a Stranger FAIL

    He's packing 5.7 inches worth of sexual assault but the target won't sit still long enough for him to deliver the payload. Bonus pts for her almost backing into it, but ultimately he goes home with a dick dryer than Egypt.

    Date: 04/07/15 Views: 177,002 Category: Assholes