Shame she doesn't make raunchy butt ripper videos anymore. A damn crying shame. Never again will we see this level of excitement when it comes to colonizing the dark planet. EDIT: she's still alive/active. more [here] and [here]
Starts out as acting, but looks like things ended with a tinge of legitimate concern before the credits rolled out. Just another one of those unfortunate side effect from bartering with a man that considers mixed martial arts a form of roleplay.
The complete lack of bass-boosted XM radio and used hypodermic needles tells me this didn't happen in New Jersey. In other words; She probably gonna be aight.
Interesting technique around the 1:50 mark. It's 10% erotic, 90% "how to install carpet using a knee kicker". You might forget this video, but the rugburn won't.
Getting booty blasted [raw] within reaching distance of Sir Kensington's Classic Mayonnaise is a whole new level of disrespect for ur customers. 1 star ★☆☆☆☆.
A classic moment from the archives of Elay Smith. A woman that single-handedly set the ground work for future OnlyFan'ers by making a habit out of terrorizing her neighbors with nothing more than autistic facial expressions & double-G tits.
spoiler: it's the pepperoni-scented Call of Duty veteran getting his pickle popped, not the other way around. Apparently tha bros thought it would be hilarious to pay an escort to give Stewart the best 2.5 minutes of his life. Another spoiler: It is.
If facial expressions tell a story, I'd say this hog hopper just blasted through the entire Lord of The Rings trilogy and got halfway into the spinoffs in less time than it takes to shit myself after Panda Express egg rolls. (also known as: warp speed)
Well shit, I have a first edition Fruit of the Loom boxer briefs double-pack for anyone that can track down a girl like this that actually responds to chivalry. No charge for the designer skidmarks. You can find more of her defilement [ here ]
Nice face. Great spirit. But what really gets u is the idea of someone committing to dating this specimen exclusively. Imagine the pill addiction. :100: :thinking_face:
The true legacy Amber Blank has left behind in the world of cuckolding is kind of frightening when you think about it. Edit: It looks like she's still active to this day or someone is trying to monetize a defunct amateur pornstar's content. #mystery
More dead ends behind those eyes than an apartment building in Silent Hill, but the box squeezes harder than a retard a petting zoo so sacrifices will be made.
Like the thunderdome, a Woody casting means two enter but only 1 leaves with a working sphincter. The following rush to Costco's adult diaper section is usually a dark day in the victim's life... but not today. Double BOOM. Double DOOM. [more]
Life Lesson #27: If you have worse rectal control than one of the golden girls; seek out another hobby. Last time I saw someone pay for skidmarking this abusive he was ultimately banned from Chipotle at the corporate level. (it was me) [more]
Super hot but prob spends all day yappin like her defenses are impenetrable, then 1 goink to the wrinkled copper slot makes her hit windows_shutdown.wav. #msc
The story may be 10lbs of bullshit. But at least it's employment bullshit and not inter-family uncle dad father dishwasher bullshit. That's real progress. [MiaKink]
Especially if u aren't stone cold sober during daylight hours. One wrong angle and you run the risk of turning her innie into an outtie. It's called "the heat seeking carmel farmer" and it's the #3 reason for divorce, right behind finances & Reddit.
Eyes like Steve Buscemi, squirts like a fire hydrant and looks like the all-Klonopin diet is holding on for dear life. In other words; You will never be this erect again.
Maybe you've already seen this? Seems to have spread across the Internet faster than gonorrhea during Burning Man weekend. It's part of the "doitforstate" challenge aka the only reason to pay for college. More public shame[ing] HERE.
Definitely a more pleasant experience than my first time witnessing this behavior in the butcher's line of a Whole Foods. Apparently expiration dates are negotiable.