Featured Porn Videos Page 63

  • She almost lasted 48 seconds

    Crystal-Lynn Danni Shania Duggan takes one in the eye after making an all-too common mistake: Going down the N-road with a black woman. Sorry pal, but the result is always the fucking same. #RONDAROUSEY'D

    Date: 01/07/17 Views: 227,501 Category: Rekt

  • American Idol

    Not since using that glory hole in a Carl's Jr. bathroom have I witnessed a girl with such brilliant multitasking ability. She's got grace man. Know who doesn't have grace? THIS DYKE. Home Depot that hoe, jack to this.

    Date: 01/03/17 Views: 173,350 Category: Webcams

  • Purging a Persian

    Olive oil hair gel, tit jewelry, all-gold-everything: You'd think a girl with this degree of stereotyping would like pain. TIP: She don't. teh dingdong hits her sphincter like a sac of Aladdin VHS tapes, then it's ADIOS DOLLARINOS.

    Date: 12/31/16 Views: 269,476 Category: Anal


    If only she put as much effort into real porn as she did into the Full House of scripted prank TV, maybe I'd feel proud about filling up that 6 pack of tube socks with homemade ranch dressing. But I don't. FULL VERSION

    Date: 12/27/16 Views: 319,954 Category: Public

  • Revenge of the Delivery Boy

    1 Little Ceaser's employee attempt to take a stand against camwhore exploitation doesn't go as planned. He went for the fuzzy doughnut, he was stripped and sent home instead. Another win for the token twins.

    Date: 12/25/16 Views: 271,060 Category: Pizza

  • A different 'Happy Ending'

    One of Chernobyl's second generation offspring proudly displays his self-described one-eyed tuna trawler, an unfortunately authentic title for what might be the most WTF-worthy video you'll see today. Or not...

    Date: 12/23/16 Views: 223,274 Category: WTF

  • REAL: 5 Strangers in 1 Day

    Deprived girl volunteers her noodle bowl on Craigslist to anyone w/ legs, free of charge. But instead of spacing out the locally unemployed, she hits one after another w/o as much as a Summer's Eve bath in between. #RIP

    Date: 12/15/16 Views: 265,362 Category: Slutty

  • Soccer Mom Faces Reality

    [my response]

    Date: 12/14/16 Views: 388,836 Category: LMAO

  • WUT? They DO EXIST!

    Talk about bait and switch. Listen Riku, when it comes time to blow my nickles on backpage.com, the last thing I want my mouth on is more udders than pregnant Jack Russel Terrier. Nip/Tuck that shit, kthx.

    Date: 12/10/16 Views: 231,934 Category: Asians

  • If this is real, then... WHAT THE FUCK

    Is this a real 'bring your daughter to work day' vid? Not with HER attitude. If you want us to believe the family picnic is real, despair is a prerequisite. Same goes for moisturizer and the Aladdin soundtrack. GET 'ER DUN.

    Date: 12/05/16 Views: 609,617 Category: Incest

  • Prostitute Regrets Job

    Dude's got a knack for tossing sauce... and apparently he's been stockpiling for a week 'cause even a certified cocksmith wasn't expecting to put in overtime hours today. Not much of a talker, but she sure can squawk!

    Date: 12/04/16 Views: 214,839 Category: Hookers

  • RARE: Girl Actually Gets off on FacialAbuse

    James Randi said it couldn't be done. Man vs. Wild won't do an episode on it. But thanks to Alexis Perez we now have solid proof that if your clitoris has been neglected by daddy long enough, anything is possible.

    Date: 11/30/16 Views: 501,559 Category: Porn

  • HELP! I'm on the Internet!

    Bombin Jager

    Date: 11/29/16 Views: 191,493 Category: Gallery

  • YouTube's Golden Girl

    The 'celeb' section gets less action than a transgender feminist faking menstrual cycles during a monster truck rally. If these skankaroonies don't start making better use of their genitals, I might shitcan the entire thing.

    Date: 11/28/16 Views: 244,262 Category: Celebrities

  • "Touch my pussy. TOUCH IT!"

    This tart is a total tramp, but her talents aren't limited to crossing sexual preferences. Get a solid view of that anus and you'll be treated to the all you can eat brown buffet: 2 words Samantha: BUTT BLEACH. Run wit that.

    Date: 11/27/16 Views: 284,478 Category: Teen (18+)

  • I almost believed it...

    Pretty erotic amirite? Too bad she's not really his sister. This is pornstar Naomi Woods. Not familiar with her line of work? Let me put it this way: That clam shell has serviced more cocks than an Oklahoma dairy farm.

    Date: 11/24/16 Views: 246,915 Category: Incest

  • Plan B for Banned Twitch.tv Girls


    Date: 11/22/16 Views: 203,448 Category: Gamers

  • Welcome to the Internet!

    The paramount collection (read: 8 JPGS) of a girl oblivious to gentleman around the world soiling their bicycle shorts to her Facebook account. Maybe I'm alone here, but I'm seeing tough love across the board.

    Date: 11/19/16 Views: 206,824 Category: LMAO

  • But... why? WHY!?

    Akira stuck her ching in the wrong chang, and now this giggly goldfish monger won't be able to get the smell of tuna puree out of her codpiece for months. There goes her budding future as a hostess at T.G.I McFuck Yous.

    Date: 11/18/16 Views: 209,020 Category: Asians


    Name one thing Pierre 'THE MACHINE' Woodman has not yet encountered at the end of his French baguette? If you said radical spinal surgery with a crisp hint of daddy issues, you're pretty much on the right path.

    Date: 11/16/16 Views: 208,846 Category: LMAO



    Date: 11/06/16 Views: 288,799 Category: Gallery

  • Cumming @ SFO

    Public climaxing. Doesn't bother to take off her pants. Doesn't care to put down her cigarette. This girl can't give a fuck less about soiling her Victoria Secrets, and I love it. Apathy porn man. That needs to be a thing.

    Date: 11/05/16 Views: 224,944 Category: Public

  • World's Realest Sex Tape

    Self-proclaimed thick whisperer and hustler of da hood, Tyrone Brown goes to pound-town on a token BBW-in training with commentary the likes you've never heard outside of an episode of Maury Povich. Just listen.

    Date: 11/03/16 Views: 261,914 Category: Amateur

  • He was warned...

    What's that old saying? Never stick your dick in crazy, unless you want to end up balls-deep in the undead? Because I think that happened here...

    Date: 11/02/16 Views: 185,446 Category: WTF

  • Mom Approves

    This ones special. Her face says i only date guys named Lemarcus and i lost my virginity to a vending machine. But from the neck down she has the body of a pornstar. A blind pornstar. From Guatamala. #marryme

    Date: 10/30/16 Views: 382,093 Category: Fail

  • Show's Cancelled (LOL)

    Relatively cute face. She could almost pass for Olivia Wilde's asshole. Unfortunately her twat is producing more annoying content than a Buzzfeed article. I can smell the fuckin Pecorino Romano cheese from here.

    Date: 10/29/16 Views: 212,593 Category: Webcams


    A democratic acquaintance at Chipotle has long told me African American men and white cops simply don't get along. After seeing Tyrone Kobe Jermaine Javarie get bullied into BBW twat, I understand why.

    Date: 10/27/16 Views: 520,329 Category: Big Dicks

  • Plan B

    Skip the trailer for MTV's next show and scroll right to 1:46. That's when Becky II realizes being on her back in the front yard is comfortable territory, and unleashes a kick that sends Becky I leaking to the orthodontist.

    Date: 10/20/16 Views: 157,567 Category: Fights


    Wait for it...

    Date: 10/18/16 Views: 246,727 Category: Asians

  • How NOT to Impress Hot Girls

    The Dating Playbook by Andrew Ferebee. Buy yourself TWO copies. Cause the current approach of turning your dick into a secret item on the Buffalo Wild Wings menu isn't really panning out, brah. More HERE.

    Date: 10/15/16 Views: 270,832 Category: LMAO