Daria Morgendorffer is kicking her OKCupid profile up to a new level. And trust me, the fedora tipping gets real when this m'lady strays away from r/gaming for the first time in history and goes Obi-Wan Kenobi on her Alabama hot pocket.
He may have less testosterone than a handbag full of Midol. But what he lacks in machismo, he makes up for in... well. Nothing. Man just managed to end both his marriage and access to driving a gas powered vehicle in a single vid. Impressive?
If anything at all, this should teach you that double fisting a pair of white Monsters before shooting your debut sex tape is an idea that at least deserves a second thought. Calm the fuck down Magnus, this is supposed to be a duet.
idk what fucking fetish we're even witnessing here, but it seems to exclusive to a part of the world that considers brain damage a form of roleplay. If this awakens something inside u, I suggest your next investment be heavily in favor of $ROPE.
The old guard of European crotch grinders really were on a different level. All natural, all interested, & all willing to job a knob in front of unsuspecting bovines.
It'll never meet the legendary aura of [bad times at the bachelorette party] because... well, nothing will. But comparing is the thief of joy, and we shouldn't let $27 worth of content think tanking go to total waste here. She gets my vote.
I've been seeing this Jade Kink individual popping up all over the tubes for a long time now, and I gotta say; Her upbringing must have had more disappointments than a trailer park family reunion. Fucking girl is out of her piss-drinking mind...