As fate would have it, not even a grim reaper of a pandemic can slow down a girls quest for Internet notoriety and Instagram followers. But as for the spectator in the last video? I think she just reinforced her sanitizing regime beyond Covid 19.
I can't imagine what else the BFF in question has been forced to spectate in the past. But I'm betting it involves the neighbor's cat and all 12 flavors of Rice-a-Roni.
The setup is fake. Being hung like one of those fucking things from Attack on Titan is not. Someone better prepare the ice bath for Ava Dalush - It just might starve off some of the nerve damage her uterus is dealing with now. And forever.
Also known as "small wiener compensation". It happens when homebois packing less meat than a vegetarian BBQ get discouraged by their girl's complete lack of excitement. Sounding like the immigrant guy from That 70's Show is optional.
See that smile? I know that smile. That's the "I got 15 minutes to kill before Anthropologie needs me to mark up prices on the pinecone enema kits so let's make it quick" smile. The things you absorb after living in NYC for > 23 days.
Overtime hours in an industry that fucks more vocal cords than fronting a death metal band isn't a recommendation. But wedding rings are $$$... so I'm just sayin.
Is there some sort of correlation between popular girls with SIMP armies and sex acts less interesting than Betty White getting 15 unsupervised minutes with a lawn sprinkler? These hype machines never seem to deliver. Prove me wrong?
All I learned from this is a 2-pack of Coors Light gives all the confidence someone needs to perform in public. And today, all that education is free. Practice what you see here & I promise those size-11 Craigslist girls will never "LMAO" at you again.
When the ass is this level of quality, ur little "iz just a prank br0" turns into "2nd degree felony assault" pretty damn fast. Thats your lesson for the day, TikTok'rs.
Not even the worst thing this creature of the night has done either. She's the "self-proclaimed filthiest slut in the Centennial State" but I'm not sure how many uppercuts to the fallopian tubes it took to earn that title. More of ALEIGHA HERE
uhh... just what in the Tennessee family reunion inside a Denny's handicapped bathroom stall is going the fuck on here? So many questions have come to mind.
Speculation time: Misogynist? Eccentric fetish? The mating ritual of the Monarch Southern Californian? We may never know the answer, but one thing is certain: His verbal assault would have landed a 6-figure comedy special from HBO in 1998.
I don't know what year Britney Spears was relevant, but judging by the world championship on CHUD #203's shoulder, I think everyone in this video does.
Not exactly building an impressive resume when 2 1/2 inches of Alabama's finest sends you running for the Neosporin. This might interfere with her five year plan.