4 min tutorial on why u stay away from those folks that consider a $50 Mernard's gift card some form of foreplay. Remember Norman Vincent's words: “Always shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it, you'll still land among the hepatitis."
Kinda impressive to be honest. The average man would willingly inhale the frappuccinos out of her entitled shitbasket just to say they were in the same room as her. You can go ahead and consider your penis retired my good man.
28 semesters of Botswanian dance theory paid for, and this is how you return the favor, Becky? You are now a disgrace to the once great town of Ballbag, Arkansas.
Book a 3-day trip to Thailand during any given season, and you're sure to end up face-to-clam with the kind of squash box a vending machine coin slot would be deathly jealous of. And this lady of the evening is no exception, except for...
Replace "sister with "myself" and "surprised" with "initiating a level 4 code red biohazard" and this bathroom video suddenly becomes relatable. Side Note: Never trust the color green at a Mexican restaurant. There is no happy endings.
Jim Cramer stocks, portable toilets at a Morgan Wallen concert and discounted Hamburger Helper on Craigslist: All things I'd touch before giving this petri dish another chance at stealing my limited edition Good Times AMIBO collection.
Camgirl Porn: Sometimes these chicks are as exciting as an audio book of Newt Gingrich customizing a bowl at Chipotle. But throw in a pair of glasses and a girl that pays the vagisil bill with e-tokens, and it becomes a legend in the making.
Consider this a 60 second tutorial on why you should always reach for vagina outside of Walmart's Black Friday sale. Remember Norman Vincent's words: “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll still land among the gonorrhea.”
Like making it past the 7 min mark of the new Matrix movie, Sandra realizes a mistake has been made and there's no refunds. Now stitch that mud box up and get back in the game, BonERGuy67_IDAHO just dropped $5.00 worth of tokens.
Today we learn three crucial things, so grab your colored pencils and pay attention: #1: Voyeurism is alive and well #2: Sexual misconduct is always negotiable. And #3: Lifetime bans from Macy's aren't a big deal. Lets get it.
I'm thinking it might be best if you restrict your boyfriend from all documentary featuring Big Foot from now on. Either that or start fucking a lawn mower instead. It would probably be easier to explain those noises to the neighbors next time.
Things I've watched until the end: [1] All 67 volumes of SSBBW Ivy and Friends [2] The Star Wars Holiday Special [3] Game of Thrones Season 8. Things that have made me tap out instantly: [1] This [2] This video [3] This mother fucking video.
From this angle it appears she's fucking an eggplant. But upon closer inspection you'll realize that's non-other than the shitter fritter himself: Woodman. aka The Machine. aka the man who lived through more STDs than all the 1970s combined.
At barely 5 feet tall you're really risking full blown perineum detachment. Seriously; One miscalculated thrust to the fallopian tubes and your days of unassisted urination are out of the fucking window. You've been warned, Mia.
Downside to living with a depraved girl from Frogballs Arkansas? Every time you get half a hard-on, it's time to perform. And then there's the other end of the spectrum: Girls with daddy issues, but not enough Plan-B to fulfill their destiny.
Seems this B-tier porn LARPer has acquired some sort of certification from the city? Back in my day this jobber would have laid down for the 3 count without a gimmick and put the legend over. And dammit, she would have liked it. (brother)
There's a very thin (blood)line between what's acceptable and what isn't in the world of amateur porn. Admittedly I'm not telling you I know exactly where that line exists... but I do know Ned Flanders just fucking diddly doodly crossed it.