This is what happens when the competition pushes you too far. Bloodlines are contaminated, boners get confused - all because some kooky little token gremlin couldn't keep her hands on her own tits. P.S. Watch the full 3hr broadcast HERE
Don't laugh at this. Even if your soul is more decayed than Robert De Niro's asshole after a weekend visit to a naval base, it should still tell you that giggle time is officially cancelled until Ricardo is located and a proper sequel is made.
2006: A forgotten time when iPods ruled the world and the only way to efficiently broadcast live sex acts was private Stickam rooms. It's also the time this girl's parental unit got home from The Piggly Wiggly too early and made history.
One man's quest to convince Pornhub users he's actually a teacher and this is actually one of his students ends in a hearty "i don't give a fuck what you title ur vids, just give me more of that colombian bam bam". Clickbait never felt so good.
MFC alumni's safe space gets invaded by some dude hunting a Pikachu, but found a couple of Jigglypuff's instead. Does she: a) 911 b) trade casserole recipes or c) invite him to be part of the felony. This ones easy.
You can go ahead and brag about your 14 inches of lethal force all you want bruh. If you're not using it to turn all white vaginas into a bowl of Bob Evans Mashed Potatoes, it's about as useful as a hot shower is to this mentally stable female.
Being able to pinpoint the moment a parent's hope dies is about as rare as rare can get. Second only to ordering a Popeye's chicken sandwich without second degree battery, and the mythological 1-wipe after Olive Garden's Tour of Italy.
ok it's not Wendy's, but the shirt is yellow and her beef patty has been pressed to hang over the bun. Some might even say it's the best ground beef in the bidness.
Consider the waistline of this overgrown toddler the rights of passage for any girl born below the equator. If you haven't been viciously attacked by Jordi's pork shoulder, then u can never label yourself as making it. sry, I don't make the rules.
Imagine that. Someone had a camera rolling the one time a Craigslist rental ad including the words only women may apply that doesn't end in with an unwanted cornholing by heavy machinery. Around our parts we call this video "a unicorn".
In the early days of cam slooting she was a bit of a legend. Both for that set of tits and her willingness to fuck the administrator of a Dungeons and Dragons forum on a regular basis. Brings me back to a time when hope actually meant somethin.
She's drunk, high and/or from southern New Jersey. All of which appropriately explain why she's using her asshole as a greeting card. I have a strong feeling this day ended with at least one health insurance deductible being reached.
40+ minutes of tapioca ejections that need an episode of Bill Nye dedicated to them. Seriously, if at least some of these mutants aren't suffering from some reproductive system anomaly I'd be surprised. And willing to pay for the secret.
Her claim to fame is a bit questionable, and the window seat at Chipotle probably smells like a Vietnamese cat house. But when she reaches peak fake orgasm, her face scrunches up like she's breech birthing Danny Devito & it's fucking beautiful.
This is called "being in over your head". It happens when a Fortnite player realizes he can legally pay for hookers as long as he tells them it's for a porn shoot & films the entire thing. So he cashes in his v-bucks and raises all kinds of heck. #ninja
Want proof that brains can literally be fucked out? Look no further my lactose-intolerant friends. Meet Sky Avery. A special kind of girl that clearly needs more than one demonstration to learn her lesson. There's no coming back from this.
Infuckincredible. Unfortunately the Cheeto dust left in the comments under her videos must've scared her off from porn for good because this is her only known appearance. Around here we like to refer to that as pretending dignity exists.
Well, here it is. The Citizen Kane of "i watched a man more deteriorated than Mick Jagger's asshole fuck my mentally ill sister" videos. Actually... I'm not entire sure Mick Jagger is dead or not, but I'm positive he hasn't been alive since the '87 tour.
Less than 10 seconds of footage, yet so much to unpack here. Why is that guy's arm broken? What zoo animal is the guy in the background jacking off? Where is the health certificate being displayed to the public? Enhance, we must go deeper.
I'm a simple man. I can only imagine the sex life of an active only has one dynamic to it. And we're fucking looking at it right now. #help
Never underestimate a girl in need of clout. You will leave the situation scratching your crotch like you just left a Persian bachelor party, but the stories are priceless.
My gut tells me this is about as authentic as Joy Behar being properly medicated during business hours... but I do find her lack of fucks to give kind of endearing.
What weighs 47lbs and gets demolished by African Americans on a weekly basis? If you answered Popeye's Family Feast meal, you're only getting partial credit.
Brodude pays more attention to PajeetWarrior20x3 spamming his chatroom than he does to his girlfriend's orifices, resulting in a no-scope sneak attack of her crude oil tank. And judging by her response... there won't be a second mistake.