The content creator turf war going on in the comments under this video is worth the click alone. The great family meme porn battle of 2027 is gonna be glorious.
23 years of positive thinking and rectal (in)tolerance have manifested themselves in a mint condition 2024 episode of live webcam failures, goofs and all around chucklefuck situations that probably didn't transpire as originally expected...
A stark contrast between this and your everyday HOA Karen. This one actually finishes you off after flappin her gums in your backyard for 27 uninvited minutes.
Yeah I know she's not in a PF location during this video, but one would have to assume this kind of behavior would get you a coast-to-coast ban. They seem to have a very high intolerance for sexual behavior and lifting weights above 50lbs.
This is pretty standard 'i drank 2 whole Coronas at once and had sex with a house plant' plot lines. But our lead actress still has some explaining to do. [more here]
uhh I don't know what the fuck is going on in that last clip, but it seems like a reasonable solution for men that willingly choose the all beer and cabbage diet. And that special group of people that treat galaxy gas like a major food group.
If this is peak modern day problem solving, I'm just a tad bit concerned about the future. As well as the atrocious deflation of value from corporate dollar menus.
Non-existent respect for other's property, and enough PSI to degrease the engine of a Toyota Corolla. Normally a combination worthy of being proud of, now actually looks pretty fuckin abhorrent in retrospect. Hit the showers immediately.
Yeah ok. They're about as related to each other as I am to Toad from Mario Bros. tip: I'm not. My mushroom doesn't need assistance from plumbers to get jumpin.
If it weighs less than a garbage bag full of water damaged Saved By The Bell VHS tapes and has less depth than a zoomer with a pocket full of unused V-Bux cards, it's gotta be Molly Little. She may actually be on to something here. #imlying
It's almost like they're trying to bring back the golden days of Bang Bus back to the masses. But it's not quite there yet. Advice? Less classes at the Hulk Hogan school of acting. More diverse locations. Like a glory hole, or Dollar Tree perhaps.