The aroma of Tangerine White Claw permeates the dorm room air, as Becky Sloppapuss explores her sexuality while being spectated by a room full of people that know the McDonald's dollar menu by heart. ♫ OHHH SAY CAN YOU SEE ♫
I say twice because the only other time I've seen those massive dairy bags in action, was when someone tried to slip one of the most well known music scores in between them [here at the 4:22 mark]. Art really should be better appreciated.
The most abhorrent thing here is him thinking anything will increase the resale value of a P.T. Cruiser. Hit the 6:32 mark to hear that man dreaming in real time.
The complete lack of bass-boosted XM radio and used hypodermic needles tells me this didn't happen in New Jersey. In other words; She probably gonna be aight.
Normally I'd be the first to out this as being faker than the tip I left a Door Dasher that dropped $43.00 worth of Del Taco (see: 1 value meal). But I did the research, and turns out these two share more DNA than Gene Simmons in the 70's. [more]
I've been seeing this Jade Kink individual popping up all over the tubes for a long time now, and I gotta say; Her upbringing must have had more disappointments than a trailer park family reunion. Fucking girl is out of her piss-drinking mind...
They're always cut out of the same template like some sort of conveyor belt of mediocrity. But she has nipple direction like Steve Buscemi has 20/80 vision & Im here for the explanation. Somebody ping Bill Nye, I wish to ejaculate scientifically.
An emphasis on the cardiovascular system, and showing off better grip than David Tyree in the 2028 Superbowl. Pornographic content that incentivizes you to get your ass in shape really is an untapped market. Someone look into that.
Like the thunderdome, a Woody casting means two enter but only 1 leaves with a working sphincter. The following rush to Costco's adult diaper section is usually a dark day in the victim's life... but not today. Double BOOM. Double DOOM. [more]
spoiler: it's the pepperoni-scented Call of Duty veteran getting his pickle popped, not the other way around. Apparently tha bros thought it would be hilarious to pay an escort to give Stewart the best 2.5 minutes of his life. Another spoiler: It is.
Another chapter closed in a book that Barnes & Noble insists on displaying in the Sci-Fi section. Normally read in the dimly lit corner of a trailer park, surrounded by Newport butts and half-eaten cans of Trader Joe's finest stuffed meatball ravioli.
One man's quest to convince followers he's sneak attacking real day laborers, ends in a hearty "i don't give a fuck, just give us more of those double-D Nordic orc tits". Nothing will ever be more unhinged than an xhamster comment tree.
If u've ever seen these handicap south american fuck marathons, u wonder wtf is the end game here? bc some of these participants are going to need a round the clock team of medical professionals to stitch some of those flaps back together.
The receptacle in question seems to be none other than [Rebel Rhyder]. And after seeing what [she can do] with nothing more than a small hometown dream and [license to mine copper], I'm guessing this is just another Tuesday morning.
Getting to this level of comfortable may actually end up being a bad thing. Today it's hawkin Detroit's finest unwashed hamlog in front of a friendly bystander. Tomorrow, it's using city fire hydrants as portable enemas. Ask me how I know.
Surely this is a planted setup, right? This dude has a ton of other videos, but I simply refuse to believe a degenerate this brazen would be shown less audible disgust than someone being told the McFlurry machine is broken when noticed.