A classic moment from the archives of Elay Smith. A woman that single-handedly set the ground work for future OnlyFan'ers by making a habit out of terrorizing her neighbors with nothing more than autistic facial expressions & double-G tits.
The most abhorrent thing here is him thinking anything will increase the resale value of a P.T. Cruiser. Hit the 6:32 mark to hear that man dreaming in real time.
I don't even know what the fuck I'm looking at here, or why it was given the green light for live streaming. But it appears this cave dwelling goblin (zero feng shui) was able to turncoat a rival. Probably brought to you by [Primeā¢] Energy drinks.
3:10 for the moment of truth. Is dude being honest? Are those surgical gloves? Did I free throw one into the sink at Starbucks from the foul line because their one stall was closed off this morning? All these questions have the same answer.
idk what kind of Amish paradise rules they agreed to before making the match, but this shit doesn't work for me brother. Interesting loophole though. It's kind of like tax harvesting, where the people watching are the only ones getting fucked.
If facial expressions tell a story, I'd say this hog hopper just blasted through the entire Lord of The Rings trilogy and got halfway into the spinoffs in less time than it takes to shit myself after Panda Express egg rolls. (also known as: warp speed)
Not exactly someone you're gonna ignore, but her facial expressions scream "i just got done assisting my third cousin's soak and i'm craving dutch cabbage roles". So perhaps some form of rapscallion trickery should have been expected.
If only the avg girl put this much effort into carving out an ass that belongs in a museum, maybe I wouldn't be talking to a therapist about my sexual attraction to Reeses peanut butter cups this weekend. Thx [Anna] ull receive the invoice soon.
The complete lack of bass-boosted XM radio and used hypodermic needles tells me this didn't happen in New Jersey. In other words; She probably gonna be aight.
Especially if u aren't stone cold sober during daylight hours. One wrong angle and you run the risk of turning her innie into an outtie. It's called "the heat seeking carmel farmer" and it's the #3 reason for divorce, right behind finances & Reddit.
Hey, maybe this is your thing and so be it if it is. I just wanted to make sure we're all on the same page when it comes to defining the word "tits" and how they should look as little like the ramps Bam Margera used to hit those heelflips on.
Scroll to the 4:20 mark for the definitive highlight of this sacrilegious compilation of misguided deviants. I promise that your disappointment is nearly impossible.
It's r/cringetopia levels of roleplay incest skin flicks like this that really makes porn great again. If it wasn't for stellar performances like the one these two just gave, we'd never know what it's like to live in West Virginia. #ilearnedsomething
If u've ever seen these handicap south american fuck marathons, u wonder wtf is the end game here? bc some of these participants are going to need a round the clock team of medical professionals to stitch some of those flaps back together.
Becky Bagels foolishly thinks her road trip to Blowberg is going to be an uneventful one. That is, until her travel guide delivers the payload without as much as a "imma nut" before testing her gag reflex in real time. Many such cases.
There's no false advertising when it comes to Kenzie Reeves. If nature had a way of organically producing portable pocket pussies for the average man to carry around with in public, this 78lb spinner body would be the fucking blueprint for it.
Nearly 5 minutes of a couple simulating painal videos? We may have reached the TikTok level, brain rotted, bottom of the barrel amateur porn creator content[s].
Ah yes, Ella Kai. She was getting some crazy moment for a minute there in late 2019, and then Covid shut her public sluttery down quicker than an unlicensed rat meat vendor in New York City. If you don't already know the lore, catch up [here]