I don't know what year Britney Spears was relevant, but judging by the world championship on CHUD #203's shoulder, I think everyone in this video does.
Not exactly building an impressive resume when 2 1/2 inches of Alabama's finest sends you running for the Neosporin. This might interfere with her five year plan.
Shy? Shame? These words mean about as much as shit covered lollipop in 2021; Where your OnlyFans revenue is only limited by a false sense of morality. Not sure how the zero-sex Twitch syndicate is going to follow this performance tho.
Take notes fellas; If girls aren't flocking to your Levi's like extra chromosomes to Shia LaBeouf, then you're doing it wrong. Neighbors, the elderly, second cousins - absolutely nobody is safe from the charm of this community service manager.
If you've seen one "help me stepbro" motion picture, you've seen them all. But at least this one is self-aware and comes with the All Natural Double-D DLC package already installed. That's Josephine Jackson and you need more of her in your life.
It's one thing to assume the position in public. It's another to do it during company hours just to keep your addiction going. Now, somebody invite her to a Texas Ranger's bullpen, ASAP. She could be doing a lot of good for the world.
As fate would have it; You can enjoy yourself in a public bathroom without the help of a dollar menu and malt liquor. It's like I'm learning new things everyday.
I'm sorry but this current theme of TikTok degenerates 'pushing the limits' just isn't doing it for me (fam). Call it an old school mentality - but without even as much as a battle scar from a petting zoo exhibit, I refuse to label you as extreme.
Not-so-amateur girl experiences all but necrophilia in a sex tape that would possibly raise the eyebrow of an Israeli commando. Pretty impressive stuff TBH, but still an entire galaxy away from the damage THIS WIDOWMAKER CAN DO.
Brag about the body count you paid for all you want bruh. If you're not turning all western vaginas into a bowl of Hungry Jack Mashed Potatoes, is it even worth it?
Perhaps "marriage" is the wrong goal here, as it suggests she would actually cover up and stop shilling for Reddit updoots. And that never happens. Trust me on these topics; I've been behind a Walmart parking lot on a Saturday night.
Good luck carrying that bag of wet sand you call a cornhole through customs and not getting called in for further inspection. Stretch Armstrong lookin ass - haha
Impressive technique, but it's definitely not for beginners. Chances are you'll let loose near an active bus stop and catch one of the locals in the crossfire. It's called "The Cuban Waterslide" and I'm still paying the price for it to this day.
Dare to venture deeper inside this specimen's video collection and you'll be opening the forbidden door forever. I'm talking the kind of irreparable regret felt only by someone making it to the end credits of 2020's hit film Coffee & Kareem.
This is all but guaranteed to exterminate any story you've been led to believe that everyone in the webcam community is living life on easy mode. Snap back to reality with five disasters even FEMA won't be picking up your phone calls for.