Some wisdom I picked up during my 6 hour stakeout of a bathroom at a monster truck rally: You get what you pay for. And by the looks of these leather handbags, I'd say this bitch used Groupon at the time of service LOL.
Tojiro Kawasaki Jr can't find his safe space when an anchovy-scented stripper makes a beeline for his face, muff-first. 2 words lady: SUMMER'S EVE. Pick it up at your local pharmacy right next to the Pikachu enemas.
Confirmation #92 that you're a fully fledged slutaroonie: The douchebag quartet (pic #5) whip their cocks out in the corner of a bar, and rather than go Kung Fu Panda on them, you snap photos for Instagram. #NOFILTER
Luisa wrapped her bichano around the wrong chalupa, and now she's gonna pay. I haven't seen justice served so epicly since the time I took a shit in the Blockbuster video return slot. $1 rewind fee on a DVD my black ass.
I wish Mr. White Shirt was a returning character in all casual sex videos. He's about as good at flirting as I am at convincing fat girls on TINDER that my semen tastes like Ben & Jerry's cake batter. Simply put: phenomenal.
Sorry ladies. His sworn duty to uphold the integrity of Scuttlebutt's Twat Tavern > your breadbox munchies. TBH it's refreshing to know that women too can be cockblocked. It's all about equality on
She's been gifted the oral capacity of a Meghan Trainor fan, yet keeps her chin count to a solid '1'. Perks: a.) balls-deep is standard b.) forgo any and all application approval for anything, ever c.) all the above. PROFILE.
This is xXxfuukaxXx, but I prefer the moniker teh Mahatma Gandhi of amateur porn. She's here to show you that real beauty is skin deep. Right underneath the two #7's at Del Taco and 38 ounces of smooth Dr. Pep.
Prettier the girl, the nicer you have to act to get below the panty line. A pretty standard concept and it's now officially obsolete thanks to this Australian asshole. Guy makes Martin Shkreli look charitable, he's that dickish.
Today we follow a pre-menopausal momma in her quest to cross interracial waters. But if you expect to see wreckage, click elsewhere. When she finally meets her chocolate destiny things don't really measure up, haha.
Meet deum0s. She has a look that could score mucho dollerinos in the corporate side of Instagram but she passed on that to persue the better things in life... like getting fucked to the soundtrack of Saw II. NAWICE.
Speculation time: Rent due? Lost a bet? We may never know how many trips to the ATM it took for this Crisco ambassador to game a solid 7, but one thing is certain: His constant apologizing isn't softening the blow LOL.
Let's hope dude is better at guarding the food court than he is at laying pipe. Because after 38 seconds of vaginal contact, the show is over. No embarrassment, no questions. Just 1 federali multitasking like the boss.
Every good movie deserves a sequel, and many moons ago we discovered a girl that has less tolerance for raw beef products than a level 5 vegan. Probably all an act, but the hole-to-hole acrobatics is worth the followup.
This is XXX_Diamant. A legend in her own right when Romanian girls ruled the cam game. This history lesson shows us what incurable daddy issues look like... except this visual's got wood. Quite literally I'm afraid.
Porn Parodies: The sure sign of making it in the entertainment industry. Most celebrities have to wait until their 2nd act of public intoxication to get one, but odds are they didn't get brain kicked back to reality.
Becky tries to single-handledly start her own stripper lives matter movement... by assisting her colleague's spontaneous skull fucking and not giving 1 shit about it.
Can't imagine this guy's life. Is it still considered 'gay' if the Alabama corn-holer you're sucking is your own? Here's to hoping the solution to that question is still on Stephen Hawking's bucket list. Time's ticking my friend.